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Новости за 07.02.2017

South Korea to dispel 'misunderstanding' on US trade pact

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South Korea's trade minister said his country will seek to explain the benefits of its free-trade agreement with the U.S. to the Trump administration, as the pact enacted in 2012 comes under fresh scrutiny.

Air Force chief seeks to lower commercial flight-hour requirement

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Air Force chief of staff Gen. David Goldfein said Tuesday he’d like to see a federal regulation adjusted that requires private pilots to have 1,500 flight hours before they can fly for a commercial airline, in order to ease pressure on the military’s pilot shortage.

Judge weighs Chicago veteran's request to avoid deportation to Mexico

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A Chicago immigration judge said Monday she will issue a written ruling within weeks on whether Miguel Perez Jr., a decorated war veteran with a green card, must return to his native Mexico after serving time in a state prison for a felony drug conviction.

Breakthrough could cure jet lag forever

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The medical community has taken the next step toward finding a jet-lag cure. A protein called REV-ERBa (pronounced ree-verb-AY) may be the key to unlocking a regular, healthy circadian rhythm no matter where (or when) in the world you are.

President Trump's Guantanamo: Standing by for new 'bad dudes'

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The Trump administration has yet to begin making good on the president’s campaign promise to grow the population of the detention center — “load it up with some bad dudes” — but some have started the strategic thinking about how to handle Guantanamo prison 2.0.

How dogs are helping Maine veterans recover from the horrors of war

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Bob Laidlaw flew combat missions, delivering fuel to forward Army and Marine bases, in Vietnam between 1968 and 1972. Those missions still haunt his dreams. But now, Laidlaw has found a friend who can help. Her name is Shadow, and she has a wet nose and a tail.

House looks to rebuild as military warns of shortfalls

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The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said Tuesday that a new Congress and president could begin repairing the military this year as uniformed leaders again painted a grim picture of depleted forces.

21 killed in blast outside Afghan Supreme Court

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A suicide attack outside Afghanistan’s Supreme Court on Tuesday killed at least 21 people and wounded more than 40 others, including children, officials said.

UN says 30,000 have returned to Iraq's Mosul

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Some 30,000 people have returned to Mosul since Iraqi forces launched a massive operation in October to retake the country's second largest city from the Islamic State group, the U.N. said Tuesday.

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UK Marine seeks to quash murder sentence for Taliban killing

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Lawyers for a British Royal Marine commando on Tuesday asked a court to overturn his murder conviction for killing a wounded Taliban fighter in Afghanistan, arguing that mental health problems mean he wasn't fully responsible for his actions.

OPINION | Allow nonprofits, including churches, to take sides

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Nonprofit organizations and houses of worship had the freedom to speak for the first nearly 200 years of U.S. history. They exercised that right responsibly, and churches were not turned into arms of political parties.

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Результаты забега на 5 км на Московском полумарафоне. Аплачкина и Голоктионов установили рекорды соревнований


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