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Новости за 31.01.2017

Navy SEAL killed in al-Qaida raid remembered as hero

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"Since he was a freshman in high school, this kid decided he wanted to protect his country (and) he never once wavered from that," Cody Jackson said. "Not everyone knows what they want to do in high school, but he did. He wanted to be a Navy SEAL."

Reported treason arrests fuel Russian hacking intrigue

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Specifics of the case are murky, and no Russian government officials have commented publicly. Russian media have been filled with lurid, often contradictory, details that most assume are leaked by warring factions of intelligence officers.

2 Supreme Court finalists summoned to Washington for announcement

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President Trump is expected to select Neil Gorsuch of Denver or Thomas Hardiman of Pittsburgh. The two federal appeals court judges were each asked to go to Washington on Tuesday. The announcement is expected at 8 p.m. Washington time.

Trump’s draft cybersecurity policy has no role for FBI

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A proposed White House cybersecurity policy would empower the federal government to take a greater role in protecting the nation’s digital infrastructure, much of which is in private hands.

Defense firm Saab has big growth plans for Syracuse area

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Erik Smith, president and CEO of Saab Defense and Security USA, said the company plans to significantly expand its defense business in the U.S. and most of the new jobs will be created as a result of that growth.

Donald v. Donald: Tusk takes on Trump

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There are four components to the external threat facing the European Union, according to European Council President Donald Tusk: China, Russia, "terror and anarchy in the Middle East and in Africa" and . . . the United States.

Air Force working to exempt Iraqi pilots from Trump immigration ban

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The Air Force is working with the State Department and Pentagon to identify and obtain exemptions for dozens of Iraqi pilots who are training in the United States to ensure they are not affected by President Donald Trump’s immigration ban.

GOP forced to delay Senate committee votes on Price, Mnuchin

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Democrats blocked planned Senate committee votes on President Donald Trump's picks to be Health and Treasury secretaries on Tuesday, boycotting the session and demanding more information on the two nominees' past financial behavior.

Pakistan cracks down on militant group

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The sudden house arrest of a high-profile Islamist cleric in Pakistan on Monday sparked peaceful protests Tuesday by his followers. Pakistani officials insisted they were implementing the terms of a United Nations resolution that declared Hafiz Saeed's Jamaat-ud-Dawa movement group a terrorist organization after the Mumbai attacks.

Court move extends independence of Polish WWII museum

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A major new World War II museum in Poland unexpectedly gained at least a few more weeks of independence before it is expected to come under government control, thanks to a last-minute court order on Tuesday.

Veteran lawmakers ask Trump to exempt Iraqis

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Four Iraq war veterans in the House are asking President Donald Trump to exempt Iraqis who assisted the U.S. military from his temporary ban on refugees and immigration.

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Thai authorities seek political foes taking refuge in Laos

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Thailand's military government wants neighboring Laos to send back about half a dozen Thai citizens who have reportedly taken refuge there to escape being arrested for insulting the Thai monarchy, a crime punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

Former SEAL who says he killed bin Laden has book deal

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Robert O'Neill, the Navy SEAL who has said he fired the shots that killed Osama bin Laden has a memoir, "The Operator," coming out this spring. According to book publisher Scribner, O'Neill's book will "vividly recount" a career that included some 400 missions, notably the May 2011 raid on bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. O'Neill also was on the missions that helped rescue Capt. Richard Phillips from Somali pirates and SEAL Marcus Luttrell from Afghanistan.

Arkansas lawmakers OK income tax break on veterans' benefits

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The Arkansas House on Monday approved a tax break for retired military veterans, but the proposal is drawing objections from conservatives over a plan to raise taxes on soda, candy and digital downloads to help pay for it.

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