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Новости за 25.01.2017

Air Force upsets San Diego State with depth and hustle

Stars and Stripes 

Air Force's bench provided 25 key points as the Falcons snapped a three-game losing streak by upsetting San Diego State 60-57 on Tuesday night in the exact sort of game that had haunted them in recent weeks.

Mattis calls for unity in his first address to the Pentagon

Stars and Stripes 

Defense Secretary James Mattis’ first address to the Pentagon was an appeal for unity and a reminder of how military and uniformed personnel in the Defense Department have often served as a beacon in the nation’s most deeply divided times.

Germany to abolish law on insulting foreign leaders

Stars and Stripes 

Germany has announced it will scrap a long-standing law prohibiting Germans from insulting foreign heads of state. The symbolic timing of the move is likely more important than the move itself. In other words: Donald Trump became a foreign head of state five days ago.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian attacker, 1 later wounded

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Israel's military said Wednesday its soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian who intentionally rammed his vehicle into a West Bank bus stop, and later on another group of troops shot and wounded a Palestinian gunman who opened fire on them.

Lawyer's accident trips up 9/11 case at Guantanamo

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A military judge brought a quick halt to the first session of the Guantanamo war crimes tribunal in 2017 on Wednesday because of the absence of a defense lawyer who broke her arm and couldn't make it to the U.S. base in Cuba.

Inmates in Pennsylvania raise puppies to be company for veterans

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The dogs’ training at SCI-Dallas will last for 12 to 14 months. The dogs live in the inmates’ cells with their handlers Monday through Friday. On the weekends, they venture out into the community with volunteer “Weekend Puppy Raisers.”

What does Israel want from the US?

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Trump’s election offers what many Israelis have dreamed of — a relaxation of American pressure on Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians. But for some, it’s a case of “be careful what you wish for.”

'Not race. Not gender. Just American': 3 white men leave black waitress a $450 tip

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The men were gone before waitress Rosalynd Harris saw the receipt. She read the words before she saw the tip, and the words alone were enough to overwhelm her. "You automatically assume if someone supports Trump that they have ideas about you," she said, "but [the customer is] more embracing than even some of my more liberal friends, and there was a real authenticity in our exchange."

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Trump draft order seeks review on terror interrogations

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President Donald Trump is asking for a review of America's methods for interrogating terror suspects and the possible reopening of CIA-run "black site" prisons outside the United States, according to a draft executive order obtained by The Associated Press.

Syrian rebels, al-Qaida trade blame for infighting

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Syrian rebels and al-Qaida-linked militants traded accusations on Wednesday over infighting that escalated after Russian-led cease-fire talks concluded with a call for mainstream insurgents to break with the extremists.

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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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