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Новости за 14.01.2017

Missile radar ranks over defense

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A missile testing facility on Kauai won’t be converted to defend Hawaii against North Korean threats in the short term, with the Pentagon instead looking at installing a medium-range discrimination radar to track and identify enemy missiles to better protect the state.

Mexico drug lord told to pay $1 million in DEA agent's 1985 murder

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A federal judge has ordered a drug lord convicted in the 1985 killings of a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agent and a Mexican government pilot to pay relatives of the victims nearly $1 million in compensation, officials said Friday.

Back on the Mekong Delta, John Kerry finds a man who once tried to kill him

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As a young Navy lieutenant, he commanded a Swift boat along a stretch of Vietnam's Bay Hap River, where he leapt ashore after an ambush to pursue a fleeing Viet Cong with a grenade launcher and shot him dead. It could have been 1969 again as Secretary of State John Kerry, who received a Silver Star for his heroics, revisited the site Saturday and came face to face with a Viet Cong soldier who had taken part in the ambush.

Security force for Trump’s inauguration contemplates truck attacks, dirty bombs

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Braced for protests by 99 groups and a new “global terrorist environment,” security officials plan to protect the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump with buses, dump trucks and heavy vehicles loaded with cement to thwart anyone who might try to plow vehicles through the crowds.

Islamic State launches new assault on besieged eastern city in Syria

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Islamic State militants launched their biggest assault in a year on government-held areas of the contested city of Deir el-Zour Saturday, attacking from several fronts and triggering intense fighting in the eastern region bordering Iraq, the Syrian government and opposition activists said.

Obama had wanted to sow peace, but conflicts became a constant

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Before he took office in 2008, Barack Obama vowed to end America’s conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. During his second term, he pledged to take the country off what he called a permanent war footing. But Obama leaves a very different legacy as he prepares to hand his commander-in-chief responsibilities to Donald Trump.

US allies slam brakes on Obama's parting blow at Putin

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In December, President Barack Obama's top national security advisers encouraged Britain and France to move forward on a long-delayed resolution that would sanction the Syrian government and the Islamic State for their use of chemical weapons. But the two allies wavered, repeatedly delaying to put the resolution to a vote. They backpedaled before Christmas, again before the New Year, and again in early January.

Marines going back to old battlefield in Helmand

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When about 300 Marines deploy to Helmand this spring, they will be returning to a province where hundreds of U.S. servicemembers died over more than a decade to subdue the Taliban. Now the situation has deteriorated so significantly there are fears the province could fall to the Taliban.

Critics attacked, history revised as China nationalism rises

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Across China, a retrograde strain of populist nationalism is gaining strength as the ruling Communist Party intensifies its control over history and ideology. Those who question the party's interpretations find their careers and reputations threatened, while their persecutors receive tacit and sometimes outright support from the authorities.

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Military's shift away from oil clashes with Trump's promises

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At a renewable energy demonstration at Twentynine Palms Marine Corps base, a Marine recharged his radio's batteries simply by walking, while others examined a rocket artillery system and a drone — both powered by the sun. Many such events have taken place at military bases across the country as part of the Defense Department's shift away from fossil fuels under the Obama administration.

How an obscure policy effort could hurt American Muslims

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Lawmakers have introduced a measure calling for the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the oldest Islamist organizations in the Middle East, to be designated a foreign terrorist organization, and for the first time in recent years they are optimistic that the administration will sign on.

North Korea is a bad trip if you're looking to get high

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Marijuana news outlets including High Times, Merry Jane and Green Rush have hailed North Korea as a pothead paradise and maybe even the next Amsterdam of pot tourism. But, the claim that marijuana is legal in North Korea is not true: The penal code lists it as a controlled substance in the same category as cocaine and heroin.

Germany mulls parliamentary inquiry over Berlin truck attack

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A senior ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel says he's open to launching a parliamentary inquiry into whether authorities made mistakes in handling the Tunisian man who drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin.

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