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Новости за 28.01.2017

WWII museum acquires German document demanding US surrender

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The Museum of World War II says it acquired the English version of a German letter demanding the U.S. surrender at Bastogne, Belgium, in 1944. That demand prompted U.S. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe's legendary retort: "NUTS!"

Growing fallout from Trump's new immigration crackdown

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Organizations including the International Refugees Assistance Project, which helps former Iraqi translators for the U.S. military and other refugees seeking entry to the United States, and other organizations aiding asylum-seekers, rushed translators and lawyers to airports to try to help U.S.-approved asylum-seekers already on their way to the country as Trump's ban came down.

Favorites separating themselves from the pack

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Unbeaten Stuttgart and defending champion Ramstein picked up two lopsided wins apiece at the expense of Division I opponents, while Naples pounced all over overmatched Marymount to add a pair of wins to its season tally.

Naples stays hot with a doubleheader sweep

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The standout tandem of KC Evans and Terrell Staten led the way to 72-65 and 75-56 Wildcat wins over the Marymount Royals and phenom Dominic Laffitte.

In speech against terrorism, Egypt's leader blasts 'evil people'

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Egypt's president on Saturday called on Egyptians to stand together against terrorism, angrily denounced the "evil people" plotting against his country and made a stern warning: There would be no comeback if Egypt fell to Islamic militants.

The Islamic State has been oddly quiet about Trump

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President Donald Trump has had a lot to say about the Islamic State, vowing during his inauguration speech to eradicate the terrorist group and calling its fighters "sneaky, dirty rats" during an interview this week. But the Islamic State has been oddly quiet about Trump.

Eritrean refugee family adjusts to winter in Montana

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Jan. 15 marks one month to the day since Biniam, Biniam Adhanom and his family touched down in Missoula, Mont. They were refugees who spent the past eight years in Ethiopia, Eritrea's next-door enemy.

Stuttgart extends reign to four years

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Though the competition put up a fight, Panthers won at all levels, turning in the highest individual scores for standing, kneeling and prone and combining for a 45-point team victory over their nearest competitors.

Pompeo’s choice as deputy at CIA may provide clue to whether he can heal wounded agency

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The agency CIA Director Mike Pompeo heads will require a deft hand at the tiller. A handful of intelligence experts, including a former CIA director, have some advice for Pompeo: Pick a deputy from within the agency. Bring only a couple of trusted aides from the outside. Educate President Donald Trump relentlessly about the CIA. Don’t get overshadowed by the national security adviser.

British prime minister visits Turkey, reaches $125M fighter jet deal

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Turkey and Britain signed a deal to jointly build fighter jets during Prime Minister Theresa May's visit to Ankara on Saturday, even as the British leader called on Turkey's government to uphold democracy and abide by human rights standards.

US no longer has geography as defense, ally in cybercombat

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The United States has long relied on its borders and superior military might to protect against and deter foreign aggressors. But a lack of boundaries and any rulebook in cyberspace has increased the threat and leveled the playing field today.

Inside the GOP debate over strengthening defense spending, despite the cost

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On Friday, President Trump announced his plans to lavish spending on the nation's military in remarks at the Pentagon near Washington. But just one day beforehand, congressional Republicans debated the costs of such a buildup and how to pay for it at their annual policy retreat in Philadelphia.

This is how much Donald Trump proposed to spend in his first week

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Donald Trump issued five executive orders and eight presidential memoranda in his first full week as president that signal significant changes in U.S. policy on health care, border security and immigration. This new direction comes at a price.

Indian soldiers rescued hours after snow cave-in in Kashmir

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Five Indian soldiers were rescued several hours after being trapped in snow that caved in on them as they patrolled Saturday along the highly militarized Line of Control that divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan.

Britain's May visits Turkey, reaches fighter jet deal

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Turkey and Britain signed a deal to jointly build fighter jets during Prime Minister Theresa May's visit to Ankara on Saturday, even as the British leader called on Turkey's government to uphold democracy and abide by human rights standards.

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Refugees detained at US airports challenge Trump's executive order

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Lawyers for two Iraqi refugees detained at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport filed a middle-of-the-night lawsuit in federal court challenging Trump's executive order as unconstitutional and seeking the release of their clients.

Trump's hiring freeze could hurt US in Afghanistan, raise costs

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The hiring freeze that President Donald Trump slapped on the federal government his first week in office was meant to signal that serious change was coming to how the government is run. But according to some Afghanistan hands, it's the kind of change that could leave the U.S. effort in that country understaffed and end up costing Washington more money in the long run.

Serena Williams wins record 23rd major, beats sister Venus

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With her record seventh Australian title, the 35-year-old Serena Williams moved ahead of Steffi Graf for the most major titles in the Open era. Margaret Court has the all-time record and was also in the crowd for the final at Rod Laver Arena.

'The Red Turtle' director talks about making his first feature film

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Michael Dudok de Wit probably would have been happy to continue making short films forever. But in 2006, something happened that changed everything — or at least the next 10 years — for the Dutch-born, London-based animator, who had won an Oscar for his 2000 short “Father and Daughter.”

Would-be migrants to US grounded in Cairo

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Cairo airport officials said seven U.S.-bound migrants — six from Iraq and one from Yemen — have been prevented from boarding an EgyptAir flight to New York's JFK airport.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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