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Новости за 07.01.2017

Report: Merchant Marine Academy needs anti-harassment plan

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The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy has a culture of fear marked by a sense of victimhood and "us vs. them" mindset, according to a study commissioned by the federal agency that operates the New York military academy following concerns about sexual assault and harassment.

Turkish prime minister visits Iraq amid spat over unauthorized troops

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Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim commenced a two-day visit to Iraq Saturday, the first since the two governments quarreled over the presence of unauthorized Turkish troops in northern Iraq, straining relations between the two neighbors fighting the Islamic State group.

Blast in Syrian town on Turkish border kills nearly 50

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A car bomb ripped through a busy commercial district in a rebel-held Syrian town along the Turkish border Saturday, killing nearly 50 in a huge explosion that damaged buildings and left rescuers scrambling to find survivors amid the wreckage, opposition activists said.

Turkey's tourism takes big hit after extremist attacks

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Turkey's economy is suffering in the face of a string of extremist attacks — including the nightclub massacre of New Year's revelers, most of them foreigners — and uncertainty following the failed coup in July against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that saw more than 270 people killed.

Airport gunman charged, US seeks death penalty

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The Iraq war veteran accused of killing five travelers and wounding six others at a busy international airport in Florida appears to have traveled there specifically to carry out the attack, authorities said Saturday, but they don't know yet why he chose his target and have not yet ruled out terrorism.

Iraq war vet traveled to Florida for massacre, FBI says

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The Iraq war veteran accused of killing five travelers and wounding six others at a busy international airport in Florida appears to have traveled there specifically to carry out the attack, authorities said Saturday, but they don't know yet why he chose his target and have not yet ruled out terrorism.

Navy veteran finds healing in Mindful Yoga Therapy

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Navy veteran Anthony Scaletta will tell you he didn’t come to yoga, yoga came to him. “I was in Naval Special Warfare with the Special Boat Teams and we used small fast attack boats to insert and extract SEAL platoons and other special forces in and out of water-borne environments,” he said, adding that the job was great, but his body took a beating from it.

AF agency expects 'spike' in foreign military sales after big drop in 2016

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The Air Force Security Assistance and Cooperation Directorate handled $8.1 billion in foreign military sales in fiscal year 2016, a drop of more than half from the prior year. AFSAC Director Brig. Gen. Gregory M. Gutterman expects the Wright-Patterson headquartered agency to see a "spike" in future sales.

Decorated Navy vet to be memorialized on Lexington

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A celebration of life service for Lt. Cmdr. W.L. "Babe" Crouch, who died Nov. 17, 2016, was to be held Saturday in Hangar Bay 2 of the Lexington Museum on the Bay. "We worked on the Lexington for many years, so it's fitting to have his program on board," said his wife, retired Lt. Cmdr. Suzy Williams. "When I asked them if it would be all right, the people from the Lex were quick to say yes."

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Turkish PM visits Iraq amid spat over unauthorized troops

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Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim arrived in Baghdad on Saturday for a two-day visit, according to a report on Iraqi state TV. It's the first such visit since the two governments quarreled over the presence of unauthorized Turkish troops in northern Iraq.

Pa. soldiers' Civil War letters reveal lives behind uniforms

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Civil War letters written by soldiers from the 83rd Pennsylvania Regiment to loved ones range in content from exciting to mundane. Their thoughts, beliefs and fears are captured in about 200 letters the Historical Society of Erie County purchased in July that were included in a collection of 83rd Pennsylvania Regiment Civil War artifacts belonging to Mentor, Ohio, resident Ted Karle.

Local film about Japanese-American WW II units starts production

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Wahiawa’s Hongwanji Mission on Thursday was transported back to a darker time for Hawaii’s Japanese — the days and months after Dec. 7, 1941, when suspicion hung heavily on those with ancestral ties to the nation that had just become America’s enemy.

Army Reserve drill sergeant returns to gridiron

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A return to the gridiron awaits Sgt. Ryan Moldovan on Saturday for the US Army All-American Bowl at the Alamodome in San Antonio. Moldovan is a special mentor to the teams and the bands after winning the Army Reserve Drill Sergeant of the Year competition this past September.

Trump wants former Sen. Dan Coats to be intelligence chief

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President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday named retired Sen. Dan Coats as national intelligence director, saying the former member of the Senate Intelligence Committee was the right person to lead the new administration's "ceaseless vigilance against those who seek to do us harm."

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