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Новости за 19.01.2017

Army 75th Ranger Regiment to get its first female soldier

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A female soldier has become the first to pass the selection course for the exclusive Army 75th Ranger Regiment and will become the first female special operator in the military sometime in the spring, a spokesman for the unit said.

Army 75th Ranger Regiment to get its first female

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A female soldier has become the first to pass the selection course for the exclusive Army 75th Ranger Regiment and will become the first female special operator in the military sometime in the spring, a spokesman for the unit said.

Trump pays $25 million to settle Trump University cases

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President-elect Donald Trump has paid $25 million to settle three lawsuits against his now-defunct Trump University, signaling that a judge's approval of a settlement agreement remains on track for March 30.

Manning and Cartwright: Pardoning a leak, forgiving a lie

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President Barack Obama pardoned Pfc. Chelsea Manning on Jan. 17, commuting a 35-year sentence for having downloaded and released 750,000 pages of secret documents. Obama said Manning had been given a disproportionate sentence and had already served a “tough” prison sentence of seven years.

VA chief of staff will serve as interim leader

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The chief of staff at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Robert Snyder, will become the agency's interim leader after Donald Trump's inauguration Friday.

The best template for Trump’s speech

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Nixon’s 1969 speech is the one most likely to be useful to Trump, because Nixon’s circumstances were most similar to his.

Iran shocked by deadly fire, collapse of Tehran high-rise

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A historic high-rise building in the heart of Iran's capital caught fire and later collapsed Thursday, killing at least 30 firefighters and leaving their stunned colleagues and bystanders weeping in the streets.

NY lawsuits blame social media in terror attacks

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The families of victims of terror attacks in Paris, Brussels and Israel are blaming social media companies including Facebook and Twitter for facilitating communications among terrorists.

Philippines, communist rebels resume peace talks in Rome

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Philippine negotiators and communist guerrillas resumed peace talks in Rome on Thursday, with the insurgents warning that alleged government violations of an accord on human rights might prompt them to terminate a monthslong cease-fire.

From Washington to Trump: A look at Inauguration Day

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Billionaire businessman Donald Trump will assume the presidency from Barack Obama during the 58th Inauguration Day ceremonies steeped in pomp, pageantry and tradition. Here are some facts about Inauguration Day, the most important date on the American political calendar.

Behind the Hill’s swift reforms of military compensation

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Michael Higgins served 20 years in the Air Force as a personnel officer and 23 more as a professional staff member for the House Armed Services Committee. There he helped generations of lawmakers set levels of military pay, determine the mix of benefits and bonuses, and grant force-shaping authorities that sustained America’s all-volunteer force.

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NASA study in Hawaii paving way for human travel to Mars

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A group of NASA-funded researchers is poised to enter an isolated geodesic dome on a remote Hawaii volcano to study human behavior in long-term space exploration, including a planned voyage to Mars. The six scientists enter their new home Thursday on the Big Island's Mauna Loa volcano for an eight-month stay.

Rebel shells hit Aleppo during pro-Assad celebration; 2 killed

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Rebel shells slammed into the northern Syrian city of Aleppo Thursday, killing two people as thousands of government supporters gathered in a main square nearby to celebrate last month's capture of the city's eastern neighborhoods.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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Анастасия Ивлеева

Суд рассмотрит 25 апреля протокол на Ивлееву за дискредитацию ВС России


Светская львица и любительница роскошных курортов: кто такая Светлана Захарова?

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