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Новости за 12.01.2017

US soldier dies in Kuwait

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A U.S. soldier assigned to the U.S. Army Central Command died in a noncombat-related incident in Kuwait on Thursday, the Army said in a statement.

N.C. lawmakers: Utility-scale wind farm poses security threat

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North Carolina legislators want the incoming Trump administration to shut down a utility-scale wind farm nearing completion because they say it could interfere with a long-distance Navy radar installation nearby in Virginia.

'Rogue One' screening to US troops in Iraq offers an escape from war

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U.S. troops and their allies on a military base in Iraq were told in late December that special showings of “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” slated to coincide with the movie’s U.S. theatrical release just before Christmas, would be delayed indefinitely. It was a dark time for the forces.

Trump hasn’t solved any of his conflicts of interest

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By turning the operations of the company over to family and executives while retaining full ownership, Trump leaves himself open to charges that his decisions as president are calculated to benefit his own financial well-being.

Forces loyal to self-declared PM seize Libyan ministries

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A self-declared prime minister said Thursday that his forces have seized at least three ministries in Libya's capital, declaring what appeared to be a miniature coup after what he described as a yearlong failure of the current U.N.-backed premier.

Mattis backs women in combat, NATO alliance

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Retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis told the Senate on Thursday that he has no plans to review policies allowing women to serve in combat roles if he is confirmed as defense secretary.

Watchdog to investigate Justice, FBI actions before election

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The Justice Department's inspector general announced Thursday he will launch an investigation into the department and FBI's actions in the months leading up to the 2016 election, including whether department policies were properly followed by FBI Director James Comey.

Biden: Intel officials told us Trump allegations might leak

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Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that top intelligence leaders told him and President Barack Obama they felt obligated to inform them about uncorroborated allegations about President-elect Donald Trump out of concern the information would become public and catch them off-guard.

Chargers leaving San Diego for Los Angeles

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The San Diego Chargers are moving to Los Angeles, where they will join the recently relocated Rams in giving the nation's second-largest media market two NFL teams for the first time in decades.

Millions more vets to be able to shop at exchanges online

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After two years of study and debate, the Department of Defense has made a policy change, effective next November, to allow 16 million honorably discharged veterans to shop online for discounted military exchange products.

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