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Новости за 17.01.2017

Prosecutor: Orlando gunman's widow knew about the attack

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The widow of the Orlando nightclub gunman knew about the attack ahead of time, prosecutors said Tuesday as she appeared in court to face charges of aiding and abetting her husband in the months before the rampage last June that left 49 people dead.

Putin: Obama's government is working hard to undermine Trump

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President Vladimir Putin took a parting shot at the Obama administration Tuesday, accusing it of trying to undermine Donald Trump's legitimacy with fake allegations and "binding the president-elect hand and foot to prevent him from fulfilling his election promises."

Trump takes over Islamic State fight, vowing to finish it

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Pentagon officials are already preparing recommendations in anticipation of the changes that President-elect Donald Trump and his designated Pentagon chief, retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, may want to make.

Moscow has its own complaints about spies - American spies

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For months, Russian officials have seethed at accusations that they hacked the U.S. elections and were harassing U.S. diplomats in Russia. In a nationally televised press conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov fired back.

Iran's president welcomes Syria talks planned for next week

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The talks have been brokered by Russia, a key ally of President Bashar Assad, and Turkey, which backs the armed opposition. Turkey and Iran have traded blame for repeated violations of a Dec. 30 cease-fire that was intended to pave the way for the talks.

Trump talks on Air Force One cost make progress, Boeing CEO says

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Boeing Chief Executive Officer Dennis Muilenburg said he "made some great progress" in face-to-face talks with Donald Trump on the president-elect's demand to hold down costs on the next-generation version of Air Force One.

Ukraine files case against Russia at UN's highest court

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Ukraine has filed a case against Russia at the United Nations' highest court, accusing Moscow of illegally annexing Crimea and illicitly funding separatist rebel groups in eastern Ukraine.

Supreme Court hears case over deportations

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The Obama administration is seeking to persuade the Supreme Court to retain a federal law that makes it easier to deport immigrants who have been convicted of crimes.

Turkey: Istanbul nightclub attacker confessed after capture

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The accused perpetrator of a New Year's nightclub attack in Istanbul has confessed and his fingerprints are a match, Turkish authorities said Tuesday. They identified him as an Uzbek national who trained in Afghanistan and staged the attack for the Islamic State group.

Interior nominee Zinke urges array of uses for federal lands

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President-elect Donald Trump's choice for interior secretary says the nation's vast federal lands should be used for a variety of purposes, from hiking, hunting, fishing and camping to harvesting timber and mining for coal and other energy sources.

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I’m a lobbyist. Don’t hate me and the work I do.

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The consequence of blaming lobbyists for Washington’s shortfalls is that it limits people with expertise from helping solve government problems — and it lets elected leaders off the hook when they don’t.

Trump and ‘the death of think tanks’

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If the Trump team succeeds in diminishing the influence of Washington think tanks and keeping their scholars out of government, policymaking will suffer.

Israel's Netanyahu mired in series of corruption allegations

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Police have interrogated Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu several times "under caution" over questionable ties to top executives in media, international business and Hollywood, whipping up a sense that he might actually be driven from office.

Ex-UK foreign secretary faces legal action in rendition case

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Former U.K. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw is facing legal action in a suit brought by a former Libyan dissident who alleges he and his wife were abducted and sent to Tripoli a decade ago to be interrogated by the regime of late dictator Moammar Gadhafi.

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