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Новости за 13.01.2017

Watchdog probe to bring new scrutiny for FBI's Comey

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FBI Director James Comey, already under fierce public scrutiny for his handling of the election-year probe of Hillary Clinton, faces a new internal investigation into whether he and the Justice Department followed established protocol in the email server case.

Lockheed tells Trump it will lower F-35's costs, create new jobs

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Lockheed Martin Corp.'s chief told President-elect Donald Trump it's close to a deal with the Pentagon to lower costs "significantly'' for the next production lot of its F-35 fighter jet and will boost hiring at the Texas factory where the advanced aircraft is made.

Navy upgrades 17 SEAL medals

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Eight upgraded Navy Crosses and eight upgraded Silver Stars were presented Friday to Navy SEALs at a ceremony held in Virginia Beach, Va., the Navy announced. The awards are part of the Pentagon’s review of all Silver Stars and service crosses awarded for actions in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001.

House combat veteran scolds Democrats over ‘warrior class’ bias

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Rep. Steve Russell, an Army Ranger graduate who commanded infantry troops in Iraq, charged Democrats with a bias against the “warrior class” in their efforts to reject a special legal exemption for retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis to be defense secretary.

Veteran lawmaker tangles with Democrats over exemption for Mattis

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Rep. Steve Russell, an Army Ranger graduate who commanded infantry troops in Iraq, charged Democrats with a bias against the “warrior class” in their efforts to reject a special legal exemption for retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis to be defense secretary.

Lie detectors trip applicants at border agency

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David Kirk was a career Marine pilot with a top-secret security clearance and a record of flying classified missions. He was in the cockpit when President George W. Bush and Vice Presidents Dick Cheney and Joe Biden traveled around the nation's capital by helicopter. With credentials like that, Kirk was stunned to fail a lie detector when he applied for a pilot's job with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Serbia warns France over extradition of Kosovo ex-premier

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Serbia warned on Friday that it would ignore future possible extradition requests for terrorism and other suspects wanted by France and other European countries if French courts don't hand over a former Kosovo prime minister.

Submarine veterans in Indiana welcome crew of sub bearing state's namesake

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The USS Indiana, SSN 789, which will be christened April 29 and launched for duty in May, is the first Navy vessel to be named after the Hoosier state in more than 70 years. Efforts are underway to promote and celebrate what is being billed as the "next generation attack submarine."

UN human rights envoy visits troubled Myanmar state

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The U.N. human rights envoy for Myanmar arrived Friday in tense Rakhine state, where soldiers are accused of widespread abuse of members of the Muslim ethnic Rohingya minority, including torture, rape and killing of civilians and the burning of thousands of homes.

First came love, then came marriage — then, after a head-on wreck, a beautiful baby

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It had taken 10 years for the couple to have a pregnancy that took. Along the way: three miscarriages, hormone shots, disappointment, a thousand tears. Then, on Oct. 7 while driving to a local Wendy's, Staff Sgt. Jevon BcBride and his wife, Julie, who was six months pregnant, were hit by an oncoming vehicle.

As Ivory Coast economy roars, army is its Achilles' heel

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As Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara presides over Africa's fastest-growing economy and leads a ruling coalition that's just won a fresh majority in parliament, he still faces a key threat to national stability: the army.

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China plays down tough talk by Tillerson

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China on Thursday stressed mutual respect and cooperation with the U.S. in response to tough talk from President-elect Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state, who said the administration would block Chinese access to its fortified man-made islands in the South China Sea.

Air Force recommends 12 airmen receive upgraded medals

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The upgrade of medals is part of a review by all of the services to determine whether airmen, sailors, Marines and soldiers who have fought in the war on terror were properly recognized for the efforts. The review was sparked by concerns that few Medals of Honor were awarded for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, in which millions of Americans have served.

Frozen fox extracted from Danube River in Germany

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A hunter in Germany has put on show a block of ice containing a fox that he says fell into the chilly Danube and drowned, in what he calls a warning of the dangers of the icy river.

3 suicide bombers kill 2 on market day in northeast Nigeria

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Three suicide bombers exploded at a checkpoint where scores of people were being searched for a bustling weekly market Friday in Nigeria's northeastern town of Madagali, witnesses said. The blasts killed two self-defense fighters who wanted to search them.

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