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Новости за 24.01.2017

Military investigates incident that shut down Pulaski Barracks

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Military officials are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding an unattended toolbox found Monday at the vehicle search area on Pulaski Barracks, an incident that prompted the closure of the gates to incoming and outgoing traffic at Pulaski and Kapan for several hours.

Syria's motley crew of fighters now at negotiating table

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Regardless of whether the talks in the freezing Kazakh capital provide a path forward for peace in Syria, there was one definite and tangible outcome: The country's ragtag army of rebels has found a place at the negotiating table, literally.

Report: FBI's Comey has been asked to stay on in Trump administration

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FBI Director James Comey, whose agents are pursuing multiple lines of inquiry that intersect with the Trump administration and who himself is under a Department of Justice Inspector General investigation, has told people he has been asked to stay in his post, people familiar with the matter say.

Dayton VA to celebrate 150 years of service to veterans

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What began as the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers is now the Dayton VA Medical Center. This year, it marks its 150th anniversary with a year-long roster of ceremonies and events.

Report: Army tanks, other ground combat weapons in danger of falling behind

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The Army’s primary ground combat weapons such as tanks and cannons are old, growing outdated and, in some cases, being surpassed by those of foreign militaries, raising questions about their usefulness on future battlefields, a recent Congressional Research Service report found.

With Trump's swearing-in, Israel pushes ahead on settlements

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Israel announced plans Tuesday to build 2,500 more settler homes on the West Bank, moving to step up construction just days after the swearing-in of Donald Trump brought to power a U.S. administration seen as friendly to the settlement movement.

Military conducts first large-scale 'Sentry Aloha' fighter exercise of 2017

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Sentry Aloha is an ongoing series of exercises hosted by the Hawaii Air National Guard’s 154th Wing intended to provide training for homeland defense and missions overseas. The combat training will involve the U.S. Air Force, Air National Guard and other Department of Defense services.

Cyberconscripts: Baltic draftees can choose IT over infantry

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The tiny Baltic nation of Estonia is experimenting with the idea of cyberconscription, a move that gives draftees with tech skills the chance to work shoring up their military's electronic infrastructure, an Estonian defense official said Tuesday.

Air Force women's basketball freshman enters the record book

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Kassady Huffman, a Colorado Springs native who attended Air Academy and Air Force prep, blocked six shots against Nevada to establish a single-game mark for the Falcons. She broke a mark of five that she shared with several others.

The consequences of crowd numbers

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Perceived popularity — and the perceived enthusiasm of the opposition — really does matter, and not just on the president’s influence.

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F-35 program boosts Lockheed Martin's bottom line

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Despite Lockheed Martin’s dogfight with President Donald Trump in recent weeks over the cost of the F-35 Lightning II, increased sales and profits from the stealth fighter boosted the company bottom line in the final quarter and for 2016.

Who killed a woman in one of the world's safest countries? All of Iceland wants to know

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This is Iceland, where police are often unarmed and people walk safely at all hours of the night — just as Birna Brjansdottir was doing 10 days ago, when she disappeared. And then her Doc Martens turned up near a dock, and the 20-year-old's blood was found in a car. And then there were drones over Iceland, and helicopters and arrests on the open sea.

Iraqi forces battle Islamic State in pocket of eastern Mosul

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Fierce fighting erupted in Mosul on Tuesday as Iraqi forces tried to drive Islamic State militants from one of their last bastions in the eastern half of the city, while aid groups expressed concern for the estimated 750,000 people still in the militant-held west.

Australia pushes for TPP without US after Trump exits deal

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Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he discussed the deal on Monday night with Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe, and held talks with the leaders of New Zealand and Singapore. Steven Ciobo, Australia's trade minister, told ABC Radio on Tuesday a Trans-Pacific Partnership without the U.S. was "very much a live option."

Official: Taliban launch nearly 19,000 attacks in 10 months

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An Afghan Defense Ministry official says the Taliban have launched nearly 19,000 attacks throughout the country in the last 10 months. By comparison the Afghan National Security Forces carried out roughly 700 counter-insurgency operations during the same period.

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