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Новости за 29.10.2017

Civilian lawyers skip plane to Guantanamo, defying judge’s order

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A Pentagon shuttle left for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Sunday morning without three civilian lawyers who quit the USS Cole case, setting the stage for a showdown Monday with the military judge who ordered them to the remote U.S. Navy base in Cuba.

How trickery led to the fall of a famed Portsmouth shipyard and a longer Civil War

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The USS Merrimack was once considered the most important ship at Gosport – what is today known as Norfolk Naval Shipyard. In April 1861, the month that included the bombardment of Fort Sumter, setting the Civil War in motion, shipyard commander Charles McCauley had been ordered to get the Merrimack out of the port to prevent its capture.

Case of suspected American ISIS fighter captured in Syria vexes US

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Justice Department officials don't believe they have enough evidence to bring charges against an American citizen and suspected member of the Islamic State who was captured in Syria last month, but the U.S. faces immediate legal challenges if he is not released and is detained without trial.

Letters from boot camp foreshadowed abuse allegations at Parris Island

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Shortly after Platoon 3036’s graduation on May 15, 2015, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island received a letter from a father. The letter alleged numerous instances of abuse or mistreatment of his son and other recruits – some that allegedly resulted in injury – and prompted a preliminary investigation on Parris Island.

The Marines are still haunted by their 'monster in the closet' as this trial looms

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In the upcoming week, in perhaps the highest-profile court-martial spotlighting Marine Corps recruit training since Sgt. Matthew McKeon’s, Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Felix will stand trial at Camp Lejeune, N.C., for allegedly abusing two Muslim recruits, one of whom — Raheel Siddiqui — leaped to his death on March 18, 2016, after a reported altercation with Felix.

Puerto Rico's governor seeks to cancel $300M Whitefish contract

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Puerto Rico's governor on Sunday demanded that the board of the island's power company cancel the $300M contract with Whitefish Energy Holdings amid increased scrutiny of the Montana company's role in Hurricane Maria recovery efforts.

Puerto Rico says it's scrapping $300M Whitefish contract

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The head of Puerto Rico's power company said Sunday the agency will cancel its $300 million contract with Whitefish Energy Holdings amid increased scrutiny of the tiny Montana company's role in restoring the island's power system following Hurricane Maria.

Yale standout supports teammates, takes knee

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Most of the players kneeling on the Bulldogs sideline are black, but there are white Yale football players supporting them, such as Karl Marback, a semifinalist for the William Campbell Trophy.

Mississippi man jailed in shooting following Jason Aldean concert

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A Mississippi man faces aggravated assault charges after a shooting following a Jason Aldean concert in Tupelo. Aldean was on stage during the mass shooting at a Las Vegas music festival which killed 58 people less than a month ago.

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