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Новости за 28.10.2017

Military exchange service seeks veteran shoppers with a camouflaged Amazon

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The Army and Air Force Exchange Service next month will open tax-free online shopping to millions of eligible veterans. It's a move designed to boost the bottom line at exchanges, which have struggled since military downsizing hit five years ago, by allowing millions of new customers to use a shopping benefit previously limited to active troops and retirees.

Veterans in probation program graduate Honor Court

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Supported by friends and family and surrounded by mentors and advocates, two veterans graduated Friday from the Stark County Honor Court, an intensive probation program for former or active military personnel who have been charged with felonies.

Case of man charged with killing Army veteran advances

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The case against a man accused of shooting an Army veteran to death after an attempted robbery is finally moving forward following his transfer to New Mexico from another state's custody, according to a spokesman for the District Attorney's Office.

Veteran medic pays it forward with body donation after death

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Even though Elmer Pittman passed away more than a year ago, the Korean and Vietnam war medic continued to help others thanks to a donation of his body to the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University.

Saudi promise of 'moderate Islam' shifts power

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The man who may soon be king of Saudi Arabia is charting a new, more modern course for a country so conservative that for decades there were no concerts or film screenings and women who attempted to drive were arrested.

'Difference between war and peace:' Ohio Intelligence agency keeps tabs on threats to US

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When North Korea launches a ballistic missile over the Pacific, the United States top leaders turn to the National Air and Space Intelligence Center based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. "It is no exaggeration to say that the assessments NASIC generates can make the difference between war and peace," said Loren B. Thompson, a senior defense analyst with the Virginia-based Lexington Institute.

Royals get chance to try to hold onto their crowns

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Up by a point at halftime, the Royals recovered a fumble in the third quarter and promptly made good on the favorable field position to take the seven-point advantage that would ultimately hold up as the final margin.

Stuttgart a game away from perfect season

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Quarterback Chris Magalona powered the Panthers offense, completing nine passes for 189 yards with three touchdowns and no interceptions and also rushing for a score.

Typhoon 27W (Saola), # 33

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Typhoon Saola’s track shifts slightly west, taking it further inland over Tokyo area.

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Dossier research on Trump triggered by website with GOP ties

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The Washington Free Beacon on Friday confirmed it originally retained a political research firm to scour then-candidate Donald Trump's background in a common practice known as "opposition research." Leaders from the Free Beacon insisted none of the early material it collected appeared in the dossier released later in the year.

Yokota repeats as small-school champion

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Britney Bailey scored 23 kills and eight block points, while Jamia Bailey racked up 12 digs and the Panthers beat Christian Academy Japan in the D-II final again.

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