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Новости за 11.10.2017

Trump says Iran deal decision coming 'very shortly'

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President Donald Trump says he will "very shortly" announce his decision on U.S. participation in the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, as aides prepared for an end-of-the-week rollout.

Poll: North Korea nuke advances spook most Americans

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North Korea's nuclear weapons development is spooking most Americans, and two-thirds of them say President Donald Trump's war of words with the isolated nation's leader is making the situation worse.

Navy travels to Memphis on Saturday for critical West Division matchup

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Navy is coming off a thrilling 48-45 victory over service academy rival Air Force and entered the national rankings in both polls on Monday. However, Niumatalolo said the Midshipmen must come down from the high of winning the first leg of the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy competition.

VA abruptly drops plan to suspend ethics law

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The Department of Veterans Affairs abruptly dropped plans Wednesday to suspend an ethics law barring employees from receiving benefits from for-profit colleges. The move comes after criticism from government watchdogs who warned of financial entanglements with private companies vying for millions in GI Bill tuition.

Israeli leader at odds with security team over Iran deal

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There is a strong sense among Israel's security establishment that there are few good alternatives to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, that it has benefited Israel and that U.S. credibility could be squandered in the Middle East, in ways that could harm Israel, if President Donald Trump scuttles the deal.

WWII German POW returns to Washington state to say thank you

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"You remind us that ... how you treat somebody defines who we are," Col. William Percival said to Günter Gräwe . "There are times, even today, when we may want to forget that. And you let us know that's a lesson not to be forgotten."

2 Marines plead guilty to trespassing at Confederate rally in North Carolina

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Police say they climbed on top of a building adjacent to the historic courthouse and let down a banner that read, “He who controls the past controls the future,” a quote from George Orwell’s novel “1984,” and that also featured an “Identitarian” symbol and the letters “YWNRU” on the side.

Winds whip new terror into deadly California wildfires

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The wildfires tearing through California wine country flared anew Wednesday, growing in size and number as authorities issued new evacuation orders and announced that hundreds more homes and businesses had been lost. The death toll climbed to 21 and was expected to rise higher still.

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Тимати высмеял Джигана: "Не собьется, будет уже круто"

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Александр Бастрыкин

В аварийном доме в Забайкалье, которым интересовался Бастрыкин, заколотили подъезды

FBI: Texas parents lied about sons' ISIS involvement

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Court records show Mohommad Ali told investigators his sons weren't affiliated with any terrorist group in 2015. But email records show the couple was aware of their sons' activities.

In historic change, Boy Scouts to let girls in some programs

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Embracing a historic change, the Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday plans to admit girls into the Cub Scouts starting next year and to establish a new program for older girls using the same curriculum as the Boy Scouts.

New foreign surveillance bill would boost privacy protections

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The bill’s attempt to shore up civil liberties runs contrary to what the White House and intelligence agencies have sought, and is likely to face opposition from a group of national security hawks in the Senate.

Democrats want to help deported vets get VA care

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When five members of Congress traveled to Tijuana, Mexico, on Friday, they met U.S. veterans, many of them with mental illness or physical issues — all deported and unable to access their federal benefits.

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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Младшая дочь Оксаны Самойловой и Джигана пошутила, что их сын приемный — как отреагировала звездная мама: «Чисто классика»


В Мытищах объявлен конкурс на выполнение работ по улучшению асфальтовых покрытий

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