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Новости за 14.10.2017

Honors bestowed on Pa. veterans

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Butch Blair still carries the Vietnam War with him – literally. He has a tattoo on his arm showing the year of his service, and that he was stationed in Vinh Long – one of the battle sites.

Trump's 'Obamacare' move jolts health care, political worlds

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The National Association of Insurance Commissioners estimates that Trump's move would produce a 12 percent to 15 percent upsurge in premiums, while the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has put the figure at 20 percent.

Saints, Admirals trade blows before Aviano earns late win

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The result was a 33-30 Aviano victory in a what might have been the most competitive game in Europe this year. Giacomo Fabbro’s 38-yard field goal with 29 seconds to play kept the Saints’ record perfect.

Trump embraces turmoil as strategy

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Trump's back-to-back body blows against President Barack Obama's health care law and nuclear agreement with Iran demonstrated the president's embrace of turmoil as strategy.

Former Marine runs in memory of son who dreamed of joining

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Marine veteran Maria Maldonado never doubted that her son, Ethan Arbelo, was going to be a Marine. But on July 3, 2014, Ethan passed away. This year Maria is running the Marine Corps Marathon because Ethan never got to.

276 killed in deadliest single attack in Somalia's history

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The most powerful bomb blast ever witnessed in Somalia's capital killed 276 people with around 300 others injured, the country's information minister said early Monday, making it the deadliest single attack in this Horn of Africa nation. The toll could continue to rise.

Gusty winds fan Calif. wildfires, force more evacuations

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Rising winds fanned the California wildfires again Saturday, forcing hundreds more people to flee from their homes in the state's fabled wine country and testing the efforts of crews who have spent days trying to corral the flames behind firebreaks.

3 D-I volleyball contenders knock each other off

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It’s an intriguing preview of what might take place at the championships, as Lakenheath, Wiesbaden and Stuttgart had their moments and all remain in strong position in the Division I standings.

County veterans receive warm 'quilty hug'

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Military veteran Bob Pirner served in the Navy during the Vietnam war, and didn't quite come home to a warm welcome after he served his time. Years later, the warmth came to him in the form of a quilt, awarded to Pirner at the first-ever Quilts of Valor ceremony in Marion County last year.

Syria: Local militants evacuate as Raqqa battle nears end

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The U.S.-led coalition and local officials said Saturday Syrian Islamic State fighters and civilians will be allowed to evacuate Syria's Raqqa, in a deal that signals the imminent capture of the city but flouts earlier US protests of negotiating safe exits for the extremist group.

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В Калининградской области отказались отменять трибьют-концерт Rammstein

Персональные новости

Весенние субботники прошли на предприятиях «Московского» филиала ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис»

Veteran's death spurs creation of a peer mentor program to curb suicide

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Bonnie Walton needed someone who would understand but wasn't too close. She needed someone who could help her find a way to tell her four sons that their father had killed himself. Her husband, Brian Walton, seemed to have been on the right track. He was in a therapeutic military-family retreat. He had been seen at the Veteran Affairs hospital. He had a therapist and he had medication.

Experts are unsure what caused pilot whale deaths on Kauai

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An unusual mass stranding of pilot whales in Hawaii, first reported early Friday morning at a beach in Nawiliwili Bay, Kauai, resulted in five dead by early evening – with the possibility of a higher toll.

Japanese and Muslims share pain of prejudice

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Amy H. Mizuno described the invasion of privacy she experienced after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941 during a recent forum on the discrimination faced by Japanese and how it relates to today's racial profiling of Muslims.

Спорт в России и мире

Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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Полина Михайлова

Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису


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