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Новости за 16.10.2017

Air Force C-130 makes safe emergency landing in Reno

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A military transport plane on a mountain training mission in Nevada made a safe emergency landing at Reno-Tahoe International Airport after experiencing a problem with its landing gear shortly after takeoff.

15 attorneys general oppose Trump transgender military ban

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Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is leading a group of 15 Democratic attorneys general in opposing President Donald Trump's administration's plan to bar transgender individuals from openly serving in the military.

Puerto Rico struggles with massive environmental crisis

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Raw sewage is pouring into the rivers and reservoirs of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. People without running water bathe and wash their clothes in contaminated streams, and some islanders have been drinking water from condemned wells.

Former IT worker now makes $100K a year playing video games

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Tim MacRae, a suburban Charlotte dad, kisses his baby girl goodnight. Then he cracks open a Red Bull, sinks into his office chair and begins his workday: Six hours, most nights, of car chases and drug deals.

Judge refuses to throw out case against Sen. Bob Menendez

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The judge at Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption trial refused to throw out any of the charges against the New Jersey Democrat on Monday in light of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling narrowing the definition of bribery.

NFL owners must protect free speech

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While the pressures of an irate and intemperate White House may feel hard to withstand, a decision to withdraw support from protesting players will amount to precisely the form of retaliation for speech that the president seeks.

Don’t fear inflation; solve the housing shortage

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Demographically, we know that our need to build and invest for the next generation will be immense, and yet we seemingly lack the public and private sector resources to do it.

Girls don’t need the Boy Scouts’ approval

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The Boy Scouts’ policy change isn’t just about the opportunities it creates for individual girls. It’s about what we convey to young women about their achievements and the context in which they pursue them.

US delegation visits Turkey for talks following visa spat

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A U.S. delegation arrived in Ankara for talks aimed at resolving a diplomatic dispute that spat that resulted in the two countries suspending the issuance of travel visas to the other's citizens, a senior Turkish official said Monday.

Oil-rich Kirkuk now center of dispute among US-backed forces

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Exactly a year after U.S.-backed Iraqi and Kurdish forces launched an operation to rout the Islamic State group and retake Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, those U.S.-trained forces were pitted against each other in northeast Iraq on Monday.

Музыкальные новости

Красноярцы и Джиган рассмешили Артемия Лебедева и вышли в финал «Звезд»

Персональные новости

В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию

UK said to see Brexit breakdown without EU compromise

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Brexit negotiations are heading for a catastrophic breakdown unless the European Union signals this week that it will allow talks to move on to trade, according to a person familiar with the U.K. government's position.

New Jersey man convicted in New York bombing that injured 30

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A New Jersey man was convicted Monday of planting two pressure-cooker bombs on New York City streets, including one that injured 30 people with a rain of shrapnel when it detonated in a bustling neighborhood on a weekend night last summer.

Somalia truck bombing toll over 300 with scores still missing

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More than 300 people are dead after the truck bombing in Somalia's capital and scores of others remain missing, authorities said Monday, as the fragile Horn of Africa nation reeled from one of the world's worst attacks in years.

Gold Star mother drives fallen son's truck from California to Fort Benning

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When the Global War Terrorism memorial is dedicated Monday morning in a ceremony at the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center, Keith Michael Williams is one of the 6,915 names on the granite markers. But there will be another tribute to Williams, and it will be in the parking lot.

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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