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Новости за 06.10.2017

Trump's one-two punch hits birth control, LGBT rights

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In a one-two punch elating religious conservatives, President Donald Trump's administration is allowing more employers to opt out of no-cost birth control for workers and issuing sweeping religious-freedom directions that could override many anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people and others.

Trump's 1-2 punch hits birth control, LGBT rights

Stars and Stripes 

In a one-two punch elating religious conservatives, President Donald Trump's administration is allowing more employers to opt out of no-cost birth control for workers and issuing sweeping religious-freedom directions that could override many anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people and others.

Fourth US servicemember is dead from Wednesday attack in Niger

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A fourth U.S. servicemember was killed Wednesday in Niger when a patrol alongside local forces was ambushed by militants, the Pentagon said Friday. Defense officials previously had said three Green Berets were killed in the attack in the southwestern region of Niger near its border with Mali.

Report: Bergdahl expected to plead guilty to desertion, misbehavior

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Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for half a decade after abandoning his Afghanistan post, is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, two individuals with knowledge of the case said.

Assad's forces push into key ISIS stronghold in eastern Syria

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Syrian government forces pushed into one of the last remaining urban strongholds of the Islamic State group in the country's east on Friday, following days of fierce fighting and intense Russian airstrikes that involved cruise missiles from the Mediterranean, activists and officials said.

Chief of VA health system steps down

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The leader of the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system unexpectedly stepped down from her position effective Saturday, leaving three top VA positions unfilled by permanent undersecretaries.

Hurricane mauled Puerto Rico's Monkey Island research center

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As thousands of troops and government workers struggle to restore normal life to Puerto Rico, a small group of scientists is racing to save more than 1,000 monkeys whose brains may contain clues to mysteries of the human mind.

Poll: Disapproval for anthem protest, Trump response

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Most Americans think refusing to stand for the national anthem is disrespectful to the country, the military and the American flag. But most also disapprove of President Donald Trump's calling for NFL players to be fired for refusing to stand.

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Report: Guilty plea expected from Bergdahl; no trial

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Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for half a decade after abandoning his Afghanistan post, is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, two individuals with knowledge of the case said.

Iraqi Kurdistan receives body of late President Talabani

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Thousands of mourners gathered in the Iraqi city of Sulaimaniyah to pay their respects to late Kurdish leader and Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, who was to be buried Friday in the town that was the seat of his political power.

Spain: No dialogue until Catalonia drops independence bid

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The spokesman for Spain's government declared Friday that "coexistence is broken" in Catalonia, blaming separatist authorities in the wealthy northeastern region for pushing ahead with their independence bid.

Factions forming as Congress attempts to curb US spy power

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Schisms are brewing on Capitol Hill over a new bipartisan effort to limit the authority and extend the timeline of the National Security Agency's ability to monitor the communications of suspected foreign agents abroad, as key members refuse to endorse the proposal.

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