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Новости за 01.10.2017

Alleged leader of 2012 Benghazi attacks on U.S. diplomats to face trial

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A Libyan man accused of leading the 2012 Benghazi attacks goes on trial here Monday, providing another test for the government’s ability to prosecute high-profile terrorism cases in civilian courts even as the White House supports using military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay.

Marines: Camp Pendleton water safe, clean

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Despite state and federal reports outlining concerns about staffing, equipment and reservoir problems at Camp Pendleton, military officials are telling the troops and their families that the water is safe to drink.

'Tell': Retired Maj. Margaret Witt tells all in new book about her legal fight

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Though she spent five years suing the U.S. Air Force in a highly publicized case, Maj. Margaret Witt still considers herself a private person. Witt, a decorated flight nurse who lived in Spokane until 2014, was the force behind the lawsuit that pushed Congress and the Obama White House to repeal the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.

Trump calls negotiating with North Korea a ‘waste of time’

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President Donald Trump said Sunday that negotiating with North Korea is ‘wasting time,’ criticizing his secretary of state over his efforts to defuse rising tensions over the communist state’s nuclear weapons program.

Transcripts detail plot to bomb Somali refugees in Kansas

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Three men accused of conspiring to bomb a Kansas mosque and an apartment complex housing Somali refugees also allegedly discussed killing the refugees' white landlord because he rented to Muslims, a move prosecutors say was meant to ensure the attack fully conveyed their anti-Muslim message.

O.J. Simpson out of prison after 9 years for armed robbery

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Former football legend O.J. Simpson became a free man Sunday after serving nine years for a botched hotel room heist that brought the conviction and prison time he avoided after his 1995 acquittal in the killings of his ex-wife and her friend.

Coast Guard report: Captain's errors led to El Faro sinking

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A Coast Guard released Sunday says the primary cause of the 2015 sinking of the cargo ship El Faro, which killed all 33 aboard, was the captain misreading both the strength of a hurricane and his overestimation of the ship's strength.

Supreme Court conservatives on rise as important term begins

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Disputes over a wedding cake for a same-sex couple and partisan electoral maps top the Supreme Court's agenda in the first full term of the Trump presidency. Conservatives will look for a boost from the newest justice, Neil Gorsuch, in a year that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has said will be momentous.

Head of UN food agency says world must step up Rohingya aid

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The head of the United Nations' food-assistance agency has urged the international community to step up its support for the relief operation for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh or risk "a massive catastrophic disaster."

2 women killed by man with knife at French train station

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A man with a knife attacked people at the main train station in the southeastern French city of Marseille on Sunday, killing two women before soldiers fatally shot the assailant, officials said.

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