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Новости за 03.10.2017

Congressman lambastes Pentagon for withholding Osprey documents

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Congressman Walter Jones on Tuesday lambasted Marine, Navy and Department of Defense officials for withholding communications about the troubled development of the V-22 Osprey and a crash in 2000 that killed 19 Marines.

Congressman lambasts Pentagon for withholding Osprey documents

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Congressman Walter Jones on Tuesday lambasted Marine, Navy and Department of Defense officials for withholding communications about the troubled development of the V-22 Osprey and a crash in 2000 that killed 19 Marines.

Russian military holds massive missile drills

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The Russian military is conducting sweeping drills, spread across vast area from the Tver region northwest of Moscow to the Irkutsk region in eastern Siberia, that involve dozens of intercontinental ballistic missile launchers.

Dutch defense minister quits over artillery training deaths

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The Netherlands' defense minister and the country's military chief have both resigned following a critical report into a 2016 artillery training accident that killed 2 peacekeeping troops and wounded a third.

Recent wave of WWII memoirs may also be the last

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Don Stratton's memoir, "All the Gallant Men," about his experiences on the USS Arizona, is among a recent wave of World War II memoirs. It may well be the last wave.

French parliament approves Macron's version of Patriot Act

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The French parliament Tuesday overwhelmingly approved a controversial national security bill that significantly expands the state's power to fight terrorism, although critics say it poses a historic threat to civil liberties.

Trump sees 'miracle' Puerto Rico survival, ignores critics

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President Donald Trump pledged an all-out effort to help the island but added: "Now I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you've thrown our budget a little out of whack because we've spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico. And that's fine. We've saved a lot of lives."

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Iraqi ex-president and Kurdish leader Talabani dies at 83

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Jalal Talabani, the Kurdish guerrilla leader who became Iraq's president after the U.S. toppled Saddam Hussein, and who embodied hopes for a unified, peaceful future through years of strife, has died at the age of 83.

Expected influx from Puerto Rico leads to Florida state of emergency

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Pledging that Florida will do “everything we can to help Puerto Rico,” Gov. Rick Scott on Monday declared a state of emergency that he said will make it easier to accommodate an expected wave of people fleeing the island in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

UN: More should have been done to fight cholera in Yemen

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Dr. Peter Salama still expressed optimism that "we are turning (the) corner" on the preventable, water-borne disease that has topped 700,000 suspected cases and caused more than 2,000 deaths this year.

Trump in Puerto Rico to survey hurricane damage

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President Donald Trump told officials and relief workers assembled in an airplane hangar that the low death toll from Hurricane Maria — he was told 16 or 17 — was a tribute to the relief efforts.

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