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Новости за 02.10.2017

Suicide attack on police station in Syrian capital kills 17

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Two suicide bombers stormed a police station in the Syrian capital on Monday, killing at least 17 civilians and police, state TV reported, while a drone strike in eastern Syria killed 10 Hezbollah fighters who were helping Syrian troops battle the Islamic State group.

Brother: Las Vegas gunman was wealthy real-estate investor

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Before he opened fire late Sunday, killing at least 58 people at a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip, gunman Stephen Paddock was living out his retirement as a high-stakes gambler in a quiet town outside Las Vegas.

Japanese-Americans protest wall planned at WWII internment camp near California border

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A three-mile, 8-foot-high barbed-wire fence planned around a rural airport on the site of the old Tule Lake War Relocation Center in northern California has spawned a national protest by hundreds of Japanese Americans who say it would taint the place where many of their families were locked up during World War II.

Marseille suspect released from custody day before attack

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A man who fatally stabbed two women outside Marseille's main train station had been detained for shoplifting and released the day before the attack, and used seven fake identities in previous encounters with police, officials said Monday.

Collector's heirs praise deal to recover art seized in WWII

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Marc-Andre Renold said Monday that heirs of Anna Jaffe hope to recover "Dedham from Langham" later this month, after officials in La Chaux-de-Fonds last week approved the handover from the town's fine arts museum.

American drone shot down in Yemen

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An American MQ-9 Reaper drone was shot down Sunday in western Yemen, the Pentagon said, where a civil war between Saudi Arabia-backed government forces and Iran-backed Houthi rebels has raged for nearly three years.

Trial opens for suspected mastermind of Benghazi attacks

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The alleged mastermind of the 2012 attacks on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya, despises America and when his hatred "boiled over," he organized the strike that killed four Americans, including ambassador Chris Stevens, a government prosecutor told the jury on Monday.

World leaders urge dialogue to calm tensions over Catalonia

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European and world leaders are urging dialogue between Spain's government and authorities in Catalonia, saying Monday they are worried about the potential for a further escalation of tensions after a violent crackdown by Spanish police during an independence referendum.

Liberian accused of war atrocities faces fraud trial in US

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In Liberia's first civil war he was known as "Jungle Jabbah," a rebel commander who witnesses said sliced a baby out of a pregnant woman's stomach, killed civilians and ordered his soldiers to rape young girls, prosecutors say.

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US spies in Havana hit by bizarre health attacks

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Frightening attacks on U.S. personnel in Havana struck the heart of America's spy network in Cuba, with intelligence operatives among the first and most severely affected victims, The Associated Press has learned.

Bizarre attacks in Havana hit US spy network in Cuba

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Frightening attacks on U.S. personnel in Havana struck the heart of America's spy network in Cuba, with intelligence operatives among the first and most severely affected victims, The Associated Press has learned.

Former Equifax chairman apologizes for data breach

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The former chairman and CEO of Equifax says the company was entrusted with personal information of 140 million Americans and "we let them down" as human error and technology failures allowed a massive data breach.

Trump closes WH event to highlight deregulation

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The Trump administration has set out to upend some of President Barack Obama's regulations, which the White House says circumvented Congress in the first place and cost American businesses and the economy billions of dollars.

Trump condemns 'act of pure evil' in Las Vegas

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President Donald Trump on Monday condemned the largest mass shooting in modern U.S. history as an "act of pure evil" and said the nation was "joined together in sadness, shock and grief" after more than 50 people were gunned down in Las Vegas.

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