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Новости за 07.10.2017

Hurricane Nate closes in on Mississippi, eyes 2nd landfall

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Hurricane Nate came ashore on a sparsely populated area at the mouth of the Mississippi River on Saturday and closed in on Mississippi, pelting the central Gulf Coast region with strong winds and heavy rains.

Hurricane Nate makes landfall at mouth of Mississippi River

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Hurricane Nate came ashore a sparsely populated area at the mouth of the Mississippi River on Saturday and pelted the central Gulf Coast with wind and rain as the fast-moving storm headed toward the Mississippi coast, where it was expected to make another landfall and threatened to inundate homes and businesses.

Eisenhower Memorial given the final go-ahead to begin construction

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After 17 years of bickering among lawmakers, U.S. Fine Arts commissioners, National Capital Commission planners, and a family with the last name Eisenhower, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission finally has the go-ahead to break ground on an ambitious park to enshrine the supreme allied commander in World War II and 34th United States president.

In Cold War Cuba, failed rescue delivered high adventure

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Lee Davis entertains visitors from his bed these days, facing the final stages of prostate cancer, congestive heart failure and a move to hospice in the coming weeks. But first, he wants the whole story told about one of the greatest adventures of his life.

Anti-war nuns to bring message of nuclear disarmament

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As political tensions mount over North Korea's ballistic missile testing, two elderly Roman Catholic nuns who have spent decades sounding the plea for peace say they are more hopeful than ever that nuclear weapons — not the world — will be annihilated.

Puerto Rico doctors only now discovering the problems in remote towns

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Two weeks after Maria struck Puerto Rico, hospitals are still struggling, and many are without electricity and communications, reliant on generators and running short of vital medications. As of Friday, 8,349 displaced people were still in 132 shelters.

Christians and Yazidis see a bleak future in a proposed independent Kurdish state

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Bashiqa is one of a handful of towns and cities that could test the Kurdish regional government's fitness for self-rule and the Iraqi government's determination to stop the breakup of the country. How that conflict plays out will deeply affect the fate of Iraq's ethnic and religious minorities, who have been scattered, massacred and besieged by decades of war.

Trump reaches out to Democrats in bid for 'great' health law

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Trying to revive health care talks, President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday that he had spoken to the Senate's Democratic leader to gauge whether the minority party was interested in helping pass "great" health legislation.

Black Hawk gift to Afghan forces marks 16th anniversary of war

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The United States officially gave the Afghan air force its first Black Hawk helicopters on Saturday, as the country marked 16 years since a U.S.-led invasion ousted the Taliban from power and ignited America’s longest war.

US military in a death spiral

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The more Americans hear about growing security threats worldwide, the more grateful they must feel to have a world-class military. But few know the disturbing truth: Our military, quite frankly, is in a death spiral.

Venezuela raises possibility of Russian military help to counter US

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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday raised the possibility of getting military support from Russia to boost its defensive capabilities after President Donald Trump threatened to use force against the South American nation.

Iran inspection regime under assault by Trump

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The International Atomic Energy Agency describes its technologically advanced transcontinental monitoring of Iran's nuclear program as one of the toughest inspections regime put in place to prevent a country from developing an atomic bomb. But some Trump administration officials and outside experts argue that the organization is not inspecting Iranian facilities aggressively enough.

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Egypt welcomes lifting of US sanctions on Sudan

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The Trump administration earlier this week lifted the decades-long sanctions, arguing that Sudan is making progress in areas of concern, including improving humanitarian access.

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