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Новости за 18.10.2017

Training on vet suicides set at Nevada prisons

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Four months after he enlisted in the Army at 18, John Morse IV was on the front lines in Iraq training the sights of laser range finders on combat targets to be shelled. For the next four years, the fire-support specialist watched dozens of people in his unit die, saw missile fire kill civilians and witnessed the aftermath of a mass beheading. Last year, the 27-year-old who had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder hanged himself in a Nevada prison.

Turkey: Iraqi Kurds 'miscalculated' with independence vote

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Turkey said Wednesday that Iraq's retaking of the northern city of Kirkuk from Kurdish forces earlier this week has rectified the Kurds' "mistake" in holding a non-binding referendum on independence last month.

US-backed Syrian forces clear Raqqa after driving out ISIS

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U.S.-backed Syrian forces were removing land mines and clearing roads in the northern city of Raqqa on Wednesday, a day after commanders said they had driven the Islamic State group from its de facto capital.

DODEA students take a stand against bullying

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Students at Ramstein Intermediate School wore orange while taking a stand against bullying Wednesday in celebration of Unity Day, a national campaign that promotes kindness, acceptance and inclusion.

US, allies practice shooting down ballistic missiles amid global tensions

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The U.S Navy and its allies defended themselves against incoming missiles during a monthlong exercise in the north Atlantic Ocean that ended Tuesday, sending a readiness message in light of a more assertive Russia and a growing nuclear threat from North Korea.

New Nevada prison training to be implemented after vet suicide

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The state of Nevada has agreed to pay $93,000 to settle a wrongful death suit filed by the family of a 27-year-old U.S. Army veteran who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder when he hanged himself in prison last year.

Saudi carrier launches direct flight to Iraq after 27 years

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Saudi budget-carrier flynas on Wednesday launched the first direct flight between the kingdom and Iraq since the Gulf War 27 years ago, marking another move by the kingdom to improve ties with its neighbor in an attempt to blunt rival Iran's vast influence there.

US allies air concerns about Trump's 'Buy American' order

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Israel, Hong Kong and Taiwan joined a number of U.S. allies at the World Trade Organization on Wednesday to express concerns over a Trump administration executive order that calls on U.S. authorities to "maximize" use of American-made goods, products and materials in government procurement.

Turkey's top diplomat won't buckle to US 'impositions'

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Turkey won't buckle under U.S. "impositions," its foreign minister said Wednesday as officials from both countries met to try to resolve a diplomatic dispute that resulted in the mutual suspension of traveler visas for each other's citizens.

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Маркетолог Родочинская: новая девушка Тимати копирует Решетову ради бизнеса

Персональные новости

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве

Hungary: Police search Scientology center in Budapest

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Hungarian police carried out a search at a Church of Scientology center in Budapest on Wednesday. Church of Scientology International spokeswoman Karin Pouw called the search "religious suppression under the guise of data protection."

Marine colonel caught in Florida prostitution sting

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A Marine colonel on temporary assignment at U.S. Central Command was arrested in Florida on Saturday attempting to solicit sex from an undercover cop working as part of a prostitution sting, according to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.

Thousands march over 'Somalia's 9/11;' attack details emerge

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Somali intelligence officials shared a detailed account of the country's deadliest attack, while thousands marched Wednesday in Mogadishu in a show of defiance against the extremist group blamed for Saturday's truck bombing that left more than 300 dead.

Haley urges UN to challenge Iranian actions after Trump decision

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Nikki Haley urged the U.N. Security Council to consider a wide range of Iran's "destabilizing" actions in the Middle East in an early test of whether President Donald Trump's toughening position on the Islamic Republic is alienating allies and leaving the U.S. isolated internationally.

Спорт в России и мире

Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


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