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Новости за 17.04.2018

FIFA Expects Sold Out Arenas at 2018 World Cup in Russia

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The International Football Federation (FIFA) expects all the tickets for the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches to be held in Russia this summer to sell out, FIFA Head of Ticketing Falk Eller told reporters Tuesday.

US, Allies Stage Skripal Case, Syrian Chemical Attack, Russia Sanctions - Moscow

Sputnik International 

The US set up the case of the Sergei Skripal his daughter Yulia's poisoning, as well as the story of the chemical weapons attack in Syria, and sanctions against Russia, RF Presidential Envoy to the Privolzhsky Federal District, ex-head of the State Commission for Chemical Disarmament Mikhail Babich said.

'Anti-War, America 1st Momentum' on Both Right and Left – Scholar on Protests

Sputnik International 

The US will remain in Syria until its goals there are accomplished according to Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN. She has said that ensuring that chemical weapons are not used in any way that poses a risk to US interests is among the three goals Washington is pursuing in Syria. The defeat of Daesh and monitoring Iran are the other two aims.

False Alarm Set Off Syrian Air Defense Overnight - State Media

Sputnik International 

A commander of a military alliance that supports Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Reuters earlier that the malfunction was caused by "a joint electronic attack" by Israel and the US that targeted the Syrian radar system.

English Footballers Warned Against Russian Women During 2018 FIFA

Sputnik International 

Brits, beware of gorgeous Russian girls – that is the message conveyed by an intelligence expert, who fears that their spectacular beauty represents a “sex threat” and might distract footballers from this summer’s FIFA World Cup, held in Russia.

Beginners' Luck: Amateurs Dig Up Viking King's 1,000-Year-Old Jewelry

Sputnik International 

A remarkable finding of silver coins in the massive stash dating back to the Viking era has been made by hobby archeologists. The remarkable chunk of jewelry, some of the largest unearthed in the Baltic Sea area, is believed to have been owned by none other than Harald Bluetooth, the legendary King of the Danes.

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Более 100 студентов посетило СЛД Курск в рамках акции «Неделя без турникетов»

UK Academics Questioning Western Foreign Policy in Syria - Professor

Sputnik International 

The Times has released an article accusing top-notch British academics of promulgating pro-Assad, Russian conspiracy theories, claiming that the founders of a self-styled Working Group on Syria are spreading disinformation on Syria. Sputnik spoke to one of them, Piers Robinson, professor of political journalism at the University of Sheffield.

Guilty! The US, UK & France Commit Gross Violation of International Law

Sputnik International 

On today's episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker and Walter Smolarek and Nicole Roussell, sitting in for John Kiriakou, are joined by Rick Sterling, an investigative journalist and member of the Syria Solidarity Movement, and Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law.

Seoul, Pyongyang May Launch Hotline Between Two Leaders This Week

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The hotline between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in may be launched later this week in the run-up to the forthcoming inter-Korean summit, the South Korean presidential office spokesman said Tuesday.

WHO Denies Team Carried Out Mission to Syria's Douma on Tuesday - Spokesman

Sputnik International 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has sent a delegation to Syria's Duma only to assess the medical situation in connection with the alleged use of chemical weapons in the city and will have no role in confirming or denying whether the attack had taken place, a spokesman for the organization, Tarik Jasarevic, told Sputnik on Tuesday.

Спорт в России и мире

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве


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Экология в России и мире

Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черноморья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Мацуев — о дерби ЦСКА — «Спартак»: бездарное зрелище, я уснул на 15-й минуте


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