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Sputnik International

Новости за 16.04.2018

Russian Military Seize 1.5 Tonnes of Explosives in Militant Caches in Douma

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian military police and officers from the Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation have seized 250 mines, 25 kilograms of TNT and 1.5 tons of other explosives from caches that belonged to the militants from the Jaish al-Islam illegal armed group, the Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation said Monday.

Russia Expects Answer From OPCW About of BZ Toxin Presence in Skripal Case

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia expects an answer from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons on whether the BZ toxin has been found in the samples taken at the place of poisoning of former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal in Salisbury, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the BBC.

Montenegro's Opposition Urges to Declare Election Results 'Stolen and Falsified'

Sputnik International 

PODGORICA (Sputnik) - The Montenegrin opposition has urged its presidential candidate Mladen Bojanic, the main opponent of ex-Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic in the Sunday presidential election, not to recognize the results of the vote over alleged ballot rigging, the leader of the Democratic Front alliance, Andrija Mandic, told Sputnik.

Activist Explains How French Weapons End up in Saudi Hands Warring in Yemen

Sputnik International 

Yemeni human rights activists have charged Mohammad bin Salman, accusing him of aiding in “acts of torture” during the campaign in Yemen. Paris is being put under pressure, due to the fact that French weaponry is used in the conflict by the coalition. Tony Fortin, member of the board of the Observatory for Arms told Sputnik how this happened.

German Ex-MP: Other Europeans 'Shouldn't Satisfy Belligerence of France, UK'

Sputnik International 

Germany's position on the alleged chemical attack in Syria's Douma and its decision to join new anti-Russian sanctions shows that Berlin is refraining from taking an independent stance and is acting according to the NATO agenda, former Secretary of State of the German Ministry of Defense Willy Wimmer wrote in a comment to Sputnik.

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'US, China Trade Tiff a Posturing; Will Not Take Sides' - India

Sputnik International 

After the conclusion of the fifth India-China Strategic Economic Dialogue, Rajiv Kumar, vice-chairman of NITI Aayog – India’s policy think tank, opined that the US is expecting China to cut the trade deficit under pressure like what Washington successfully did with Japan in 1980 and that it would best suit India not to take sides on the issue.

BZ Toxin Possible in Skripals’ Samples as Positive Control, Not Lethal Agent

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The BZ toxin, traces of which were found by a Swiss laboratory in Skripal case samples sent to them by the OPCW, could be present there as a so-called positive control marker, but definitely could not play the role of a lethal agent intending to kill the former double agent and his daughter, experts told Sputnik.

Academic on UK Media Crackdown on Assad Supporters: 'Extraordinary Attack'

Sputnik International 

The Times earlier released an article accusing top-notch UK academics of promoting pro-Assad and Russian conspiracy theories and disinformation regarding Syria. Sputnik discussed the issue with Dr. Tara McCormack, a lecturer in international relations at Leicester University.

US Seeking to Create a Kurdish State in Turkey's Underbelly – Analysts

Sputnik International 

Instead of lauding Washington's foreign policy approach toward Damascus, Ankara needs to protect its national interests, Turkish analysts told Sputnik, stressing that the US seeking nothing short of establishing a Kurdish corridor in northern Syria thus threatening Turkey's security.

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