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Новости за 13.04.2018

Trump and the War Hawks - Will US Strikes in Syria Ignite a Wider War?

Sputnik International 

On today's episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Mark Sleboda, an international Affairs and Security Analyst, and Ann Wright, a retired United States Army colonel and former US State Department official in Afghanistan, who resigned in protest of the invasion of Iraq and became an anti-war activist.

UK Spy Agency Says it Shut Down Daesh Cyber Networks

Sputnik International 

British intelligence officers say their cyber campaign against Daesh has made it “almost impossible” for the jihadist group to operate online by blunting their communications, according the head of Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Jeremy Fleming.

'The Aim of the Escalation is for the US to Have Its Slice of Syria' – Scholar

Sputnik International 

US President Donald Trump and his British counterpart Theresa May have agreed to engage in close cooperation to elaborate an international response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Douma. Radio Sputnik discussed this with Alberto Negri, a senior adviser at The Italian Institute for International Political Studies.

Yikes! Doomsday Theorist Says Rapture Will Occur on April 23

Sputnik International 

David Meade, the conspiracy theorist who falsely predicted that the end of days would happen on September 23, 2017, and then again on October 15, 2017, is now claiming that the world is coming to an end on April 23, 2018.

Madrid Reiterates Amid High Syria Tensions That Terrorists Are Main Enemies

Sputnik International 

MADRID (Sputnik) - The escalated situation around Syria should be resolved through the mediation of the UN special envoy, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said on Friday, adding that the international community should understand that the real enemies of Syria and other countries are terrorists.

Potential US Strike On Syria Is Powder Keg, Risk of It Exploding High – Prof.

Sputnik International 

After a phone talk, the US and UK government leaders said the countries would cooperate closely on an "international response" to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria's Douma. Alexander Gillespie, a professor of law and specialist in the laws of war and armed conflict from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, has commented on the issue.

ROFL! Russian Internet Users Jeer at Telegram Chief’s 'Horse' Pic

Sputnik International 

A picture of Pavel Durov, the developer and CEO of the now blocked Telegram messaging platform, in which he proudly sits on a white horse has been circulating the internet and is now featured in a plethora of memes. The Russian entrepreneur originally posted the picture on Instagram after a court had ruled to block the encrypted service in Russia.

Trump Pardons Ex-Cheney Aide Who Lied to FBI

Sputnik International 

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US President Donald Trump has issued a pardon to former Dick Cheney vice presidential aide Scooter Libby who was convicted of obstruction of justice and lying to the FBI in 2007, the White House said in a press release on Friday.

WATCH Douma Doctor Blow Lid Off White Helmets' 'Chemical Attack' Claims

Sputnik International 

Amid Western powers' planning for a military response to an alleged chemical attack by the Syrian Army in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, the Russian Defense Ministry has released a video interview of two young men who were on the ground at a local hospital where opposition media claimed victims of a 'chemical attack' were being treated.

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World Cup Brings Facilities and Opportunities to Locals in Russia's Kaliningrad

Sputnik International 

KALININGRAD, Sputnik - Holding a blue scarf of the local football team FC Baltika, Dmitry Pitshtel chanted "Baltika will be champions" while posing for a picture with a group of friends who came to watch the first game at the newly completed Stadium Kaliningrad, which will host three games during the upcoming 2018 World Cup in Russia.

Israel Could Mediate, but Not Pick Sides Between Russia and US – Analyst

Sputnik International 

The US, the UK and France are mulling over a potential response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria’s Douma. Speaking to Radio Sputnik, Dr. Ehud Eilam, Israel’s national security analyst, who served in the Israeli military and worked for the Israeli Ministry of Defense, presumed that Israel may mediate discussions between the US and Russia.

How Encrypted Messengers Are Viewed Around the Globe

Sputnik International 

On April 13, a court in Moscow satisfied the appeal of Russian communications watchdog Roskomnadzor and ruled to block the Russian messenger Telegram, after the latter had failed to provide the authorities with its encryption keys, in their battle against terrorism.

Merkel Refused to Join Military Action in Syria Over Public Backlash - AfD

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision not to participate in potential military action against Syria in connection with an alleged chemical attack in Douma was made out of fear of resentment from the German population, Albert Breininge, a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, told Sputnik.

'Trump Does Not Behave Like the President of the United States' – Analyst

Sputnik International 

US President stated on Twitter that a potential US attack on Syria could happen “soon or not soon at all.” Trump added that he never specified any particular time of a US attack. Sputnik discussed Donald Trump's recent tweets with Salih Dogan from School of Politics and International Relations, Keele University.

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