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Новости за 23.04.2018

UN Sponsors Greece-Macedonia Meeting in Push to Resolve Name Dispute - Spokesman

Sputnik International 

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) — The foreign ministers of Greece and Macedonia are slated to meet later this week under the auspices of the United Nations in a fresh attempt to resolve the so-called name dispute, which has been an obstacle to Macedonia’s efforts to join NATO and the European Union, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters on Monday.

French Charity Group Says Newly Adopted Migration Bill Overlooks Main Problems

Sputnik International 

PARIS (Sputnik) - The immigration bill recently adopted by the French lower house of parliament does not address the real problems caused by the increased migration to France and was endorsed only because lawmakers lacked the courage to stand up to the pressure of the Interior Ministry, the Auberge des Migrants charity group told Sputnik on Monday.

US Medical Team Conducts First Total Penis and Scrotum Transplant (VIDEO)

Sputnik International 

On Monday, Johns Hopkins Hospital doctors announced that their plastic and reconstructive surgeons had successfully carried out the world’s first transplant of a penis, scrotum and abdominal wall on a soldier who sustained injuries in Afghanistan and lost his genitals.

Israel Pulls F-15s from Alaska War Games as Tensions Rise with Iran

Sputnik International 

Israel’s air force cancelled the participation of its F-15 fighters in the Red Flag - Alaska multinational aerial combat exercises as the country faces rising tensions with Iran and Syria and mass protests by residents in Gaza. Instead, the fighter jets will remain at home, on high alert.

WATCH: Police Use Stun Gun on American Airlines Passenger Who Groped Woman

Sputnik International 

A passenger onboard an American Airlines flight was shocked with a taser stun gun by officers from the Miami-Dade Police Department on Sunday after resisting arrest. Officers were called to the plane at Miami International Airport after the man allegedly fondled a woman and yelled out racial slurs at another couple on the flight.

People Should Pick Cryptocurrencies Upon Merits, Not Draconian Law - Financier

Sputnik International 

Iranian authorities have banned all currency exchanges and financial institutions from using bitcoin and other digital currencies, according to the central bank’s circular issued on Sunday. Matthew J. Martin, founder and CEO of Blossom Finance, has given his take on the reasons for the regulation and more in his written comments to Sputnik.

IMF Prognoses Amid US-China Trade War Resemble Kabbalah Predictions – Academic

Sputnik International 

The US-China tariff war is affecting the economic prognoses of international observers. Speaking to Sputnik, Joaquin Arriola, a professor of political economy at the University of the Basque Country, suggested that recent International Monetary Fund's (IMF) forecasts regarding China's growth do not look trustworthy.

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Сергей Прокофьев

Мариинский театр исполнил оперу Прокофьева в честь дня рождения композитора

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Сергей Шойгу

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Will US-Backed Separatists Manage to Create Autonomy in Southern Syria?

Sputnik International 

The US-led coalition has made every effort to undermine the achievements of Damascus and Moscow, Syrian parliamentarian Fares Shehabi told Sputnik, suggesting that the Skripal poisoning case, the alleged Douma attack and the US-led coalition's missile strike on Syria are interconnected.

Syrian Doctor Reveals Why There Was No Chemical Attack in Douma

Sputnik International 

Commenting on an alleged April 7 chemical weapons attack in Douma during an interview with Sputnik, local medic Mirwan Jaber specifically underscored that he and his colleagues had never treated patients exposed to chemical agents.

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"Новосибирск, бро, за всё прости": концерт Басты на "Сибирь-Арене" собрал аншлаг


Минск на майские праздники обогнал по популярности Москву и Сочи

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