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Новости за 11.04.2018

Raytheon Slowly Integrates Missiles Into US Navy’s Sidelined F-35C

Sputnik International 

As part of the US Navy’s ongoing and time-consuming mission to make the vaunted F-35C capable of actually firing weapons, a small hurdle to overcome so the Navy can actually declare the C-variant operational, Raytheon has announced that its 1,000-pound Joint Standoff Weapon will be integrated into the jet’s weapons suite by year’s end.

Frigid Climate, Friendly Locals: Experience of Two Indians Ice-Cycling on Baikal

Sputnik International 

Nitin Gera from New Delhi and Anirban D. Choudhury from Kolkata spent a fortnight riding mountain bikes on the frozen Baikal Lake in March this year. This was a unique expedition, considering that Indians traveling to Siberia in winter is unheard of, let alone ice cycling. They spoke to Sputnik about their experiences from this unique expedition.

Twitter Users Mock NATO Plane Drawing 'Phallic Symbol' Near Syria Amid Tensions

Sputnik International 

Earlier US President Trump posted a threat on his Twitter page to strike Syria with missiles in retaliation for the alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma, warning Russia “get ready,” if it expects to intercept them. Moscow has previously warned Washington against such actions, promising an appropriate response.

Unstoppable Trump, Immovable Zakharova: Social Media War of Words As It Happened

Sputnik International 

Attack, offer a way out and then... blame it on the on your opponents! At least that's how it went down for Donald Trump today when he decided to take to Twitter in his attempt to intimidate Moscow - only to face-off with the Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova. Sputnik broke down the fiery exchange as it went down on the web.

Barrage of F/A-18s Launch from US Navy Carrier in South China Sea (PHOTOS)

Sputnik International 

A little more than a year after the USS Theodore Roosevelt was stationed in the Persian Gulf for the campaign against Daesh, F/A-18 Super Hornets have taken off from the same carrier in the South China Sea following reports that China installed communications jammers in the Spratly Islands.

Lunar Tour: NASA Presents New 4K Exploration of Earth’s Moon (VIDEO)

Sputnik International 

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has gathered a wealth of data since it began orbiting the moon in 2009. Now, the $504 million taxpayer-funded spacecraft is paying off for us Earthlings, as the data it has gathered has enabled the space agency to let us tour the moon in stunning 4K resolution. Worth it.

US Choppers Allegedly Evacuate Daesh Militants Amid Trump's Vow to Attack Syria

Sputnik International 

US Air Force aircraft have allegedly been spotted evacuating non-Syrian Daesh commanders with their family members from al-Hasakah province and transferring them to an unknown destination, according to the SANA news agency. The news emerged a day after US President Trump threatened Syria with a possible strike.

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Russia Urges WHO to Give Sources of Info on 500 Victims in Douma - Envoy to UN

Sputnik International 

GENEVA (Sputnik) - Moscow asked the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide specific sources of information on 500 victims of the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma but hasn't received comprehensive answers, Russian Envoy to UN office in Geneva Gennady Gatilov told reporters.

Is It Today? US Doomsday Plane Takes Off Amid Tensions in Syria

Sputnik International 

Earlier US President Trump threatened on his Twitter page to strike Syria with “nice and new and smart” missiles over the alleged use of chemical weapons in Douma. Russia has already warned Washington against such a move.

Спорт в России и мире

Команда подмосковного главка Росгвардии заняла призовое место на чемпионате Центрального округа по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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