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Новости за 08.04.2018

Interior Design: New Bill Mandates Trump, Pence Photos on View at Post Offices

Sputnik International 

Offices and branches of the United States Postal Service may be required to exhibit photos of US President Donald Trump and US Vice President Mike Pence, if New York Republican Representative Dan Donovan’s bill mandating public institutions to display photos of the president and vice president passes the house.

Nurmagomedov to McGregor: "Beg Me!"

Sputnik International 

Irish UFC fighter Conor McGregor attacked a bus carrying fellow UFC fighters on April 5 and was later arrested by New York Police. The attack was allegedly targeted at another UFC fighter, Khabib Nurmagomedov, who was supposedly in conflict with a friend of Conor’s.

50,000 Liters of Ether Leaked Into Atmosphere Above Finland

Sputnik International 

HELSINKI (Sputnik) - Over 50,000 liters of methyl tert-butyl ether — dangerous flammable substance — escaped into the atmosphere after a Russian railway tank derailed in Eastern Finland, the Finnish Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment said.

NATO vs Syria, Russia, Iran: Damascus Again Accused of What Has Yet to Be Proven

Sputnik International 

After news of the alleged chemical attack in Syria appeared on April 8, many Western countries were not only quick to slam the incident, but also to accuse Bashar Assad of being behind it, even though the OPCW hasn’t even begun an investigation into the incident. A year after the Khan Sheikhoun incident, the story seems to be repeating itself.

Syrian Douma Residents Protest Against Jaysh al-Islam Militants - Activist

Sputnik International 

The locals of Ghouta who have suffered most of the terrorist acts that made them seeking the safety outside of their towns give a response to a series of demands, with the foremost a military firm line against terrorists and the full establishment of state control over Douma in Eastern Ghouta.

Migrants Go Home & EU Rebel: Top 5 Points of Viktor Orban's Political Agenda

Sputnik International 

On Sunday Hungarians are electing the country's new parliament, with analysts suggesting that the outcome of the election is difficult to predict. However, many believe that the country's ruling Fidesz party, headed by current Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, is likely to win the voting race. Here are a few key points of Orban's political agenda.

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Brits to Reportedly Wall Themselves Off From Novichok Amid Skripals' "Miracle"

Sputnik International 

Former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, who were allegedly poisoned by an A-234 military grade nerve agent in the British town Salisbury, have both regained consciousness and their health is improving; but at the same time, British officials are not eager to abandon their anti-Russian agenda and are instead going even further.

Moscow Has List of Retaliatory Measures to Respond to New US Sanctions

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Moscow has a list of possible retaliatory measures in response to the recent US decision to expand anti-Russian sanctions, and this list is currently being elaborated, Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday.

Soros-Funded NGO 'Has Been Controversial in Israel for Long Time' - Ex-MP

Sputnik International 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the New Israel Fund, sponsored by George Soros, of undermining the deal reached with the UN about the deportation of migrants to the West a day after the plan was announced. Sputnik discussed the matter with former Member of the Knesset and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Yehuda Ben Meir.

US Sent National Guard to Mexican Border Amid Upsurge Crossings - Trump's Aide

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Washington's decision to send the US National Guard to the border with Mexico was in particular driven by a more than 200-percent increase in the number of detentions of people, who illegally crossed the border in March, Thomas Bossert, homeland security adviser to US President Donald Trump, said.

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