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Новости за 21.04.2018

Armenian Protests Leader Says to Meet With Prime Minister Sargsyan

Sputnik International 

YEREVAN (Sputnik) - Armenian opposition figure Nikol Pashinyan, who leads the protests in the country, said on Saturday that he would meet with Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan on Sunday morning to discuss the latter's resignation.

Armenian Protest Leader to Meet With Prime Minister Sargsyan

Sputnik International 

YEREVAN (Sputnik) - Armenian opposition figure Nikol Pashinyan, leading ongoing protests in the country, said on Saturday that he would meet with Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan on Sunday morning to discuss the latter's resignation.

Lack of Funds Will Not Hamper Belt and Road Initiative - Academic

Sputnik International 

The former chairman and president of the Export-Import Bank of China, Li Ruogu, has warned about the credit risks associated with China's One Belt, One Road Initiative. Li Ruogu and other Chinese state bankers believe that in order to implement the initiative large capital injections are required.

How to Tame the Amu Darya? River Flooding Threatens Afghani Agriculture

Sputnik International 

The Amu Darya is the deepest river in Central Asia and originates in the Pamir Mountains. About 1,126 kilometers of the river mark the borders of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. There are two big ports on its banks – Khairatan and Sherkhan - through which the export and import of goods is effected.

Secret Messages and Drawings Spotted in Bitcoin Network

Sputnik International 

"Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks," Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous developer of the bitcoin blockchain famously declared in a note which came with the first block in the bitcoin network.

At Least 2 Killed in Mortar Shelling of Syria's Damascus on Friday

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - At least two people were killed and nine others were injured in a shelling attack on Damascus' residential areas on Friday, Maj. Gen. Yuri Yevtushenko, the commander of the Russian reconciliation center for Syria, said on Saturday.

NATO Robs Itself of Airlift Capacity With Loss of Russian An-124 Jets – Czech MP

Sputnik International 

Russia's Volga-Dnepr Airlines has confirmed that it will terminate its contract with NATO on military cargo deliveries after 2018, citing sanctions pressure against Russia by the US and its allies. Speaking to Sputnik, Czech lawmaker Alexandr Cerny said that the lost capacity would result in a "big problem" for the alliance.

Iranian Climber Tells Sputnik About Her Dream

Sputnik International 

About 200 women annually take part in rock climbing competitions in Iran. Elnaz Rekabi is an Iranian climber who has achieved remarkable success and has risen to international fame. She noted that climbing is a unique sport, which develops not only physical strength, but also fortitude, and both of these factors are equally important for victory.

France's Participation in Syria Strikes to Have Bad Legacy - National Front

Sputnik International 

YALTA (Sputnik) - France's participation in the recent missile strike on Syria was a very "reckless" decision that will only have negative consequences for Syria in terms of escalating the situation in the war-ravaged country that is still battling terrorists, National Front Secretary-General Nicolas Bay said in an interview with Sputnik.

US Strikes on Syria Promoted Russian Weapons - Military Specialist

Sputnik International 

Konstantin Sivkov, a military specialist and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told Sputnik that the American strikes on Syria have hit the Americans themselves. For instance, the American missiles’ image has been undermined while the Russian air defense systems’ image has grown.

TESS Satellite: 'Is Our Earth Common or Unique?'

Sputnik International 

NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has been launched into orbit from Cape Canaveral in Florida to survey thousands of stars outside our solar system and find new planets. Sputnik discussed the space telescope with Natalia Guerrero, deputy manager of TESS Objects of Interest.

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'Trump's Administration is Still Getting Its Act Together' – Professor

Sputnik International 

In recent weeks there has been an ongoing, dramatic and sustained deterioration of political and economic relations between the US and Russia. Sputnik spoke to Jonathan Adelman, a professor with the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, about the tense relationship between Moscow and Washington.

50 Shades of Brown: Social Media Rave Over Most British Day

Sputnik International 

Coffee fans today have to eat humble pie as the UK celebrates not only the Queen’s 92nd birthday, but also the nation’s favorite drink, flooding Twitter and Instagram with photos of tea. While some prefer to post the coziest pics imaginable, others debate what the best ways to enjoy a good cup of tea.

Elizabeth II, Queen of The Streets

Sputnik International 

Although we are more used to her portraits depicting all sorts of hats and calm facial expressions, on Elisabeth II's 92nd birthday we reveal another side of the queen, showing how close the British queen can get to people.

Serj Tankian Urges Armenian Protesters to Avoid 'Color Revolution Terminology'

Sputnik International 

YEREVAN (Sputnik) - Serj Tankian, the lead singer of the System of a Down (SOAD) band, who is of Armenian descent, called on Saturday on the participants of protests in Armenia to avoid the term of so-called color revolution, which, according to him, is associated with the East-West antagonism.

World Mourns Loss of Top Electronic Music DJ Avicii

Sputnik International 

Musicians and politicians from all over the world have expressed their condolences in connection with the sudden death of the famous 28-year-old Swedish DJ Tim Bergling, better known by the artistic name Avicii.

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