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Новости за 14.04.2018

Putin, Erdogan Agree to Intensify Bilateral Cooperation on Syrian Issue

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a phone conversation on Saturday, during which they discussed missile strikes of the United States and its allies on Syria and agreed to intensify bilateral cooperation aimed at political settlement of the Syrian crisis.

Trump, Macron Agree to Continue Joint Anti-Daesh Fight After Strikes on Syria

Sputnik International 

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US President Donald Trump and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron discussed on Saturday the recent joint missile strikes against Syria and agreed to continue the international fight against Daesh terrorist group, outlawed in Russia, the White House press service said.

Russia Calls Apr 16 ISSG Ceasefire Task Force Meeting Over Strike on Syria

Sputnik International 

GENEVA (Sputnik) - Russia is convening an urgent session of the International Syria Support Group's (ISSG) Ceasefire Task Force on April 16 over the recent strike of the Western countries on Syria, the spokeswoman of the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN Office in Geneva told Sputnik on Saturday.

Humanitarian Operation in Eastern Ghouta Ongoing Despite Western Attack

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The humanitarian operation in the Syrian region of Eastern Ghouta has not stopped despite recent missile strikes of Western states against targets in the area near Damascus, the head of Russia's center for Syrian reconciliation said on Saturday.

White House Doubts Any Opposition Group Could Fabricate Douma Attack

Sputnik International 

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The White House believes no Syrian opposition group had capabilities to fabricate massive amount of information about use of chemical weapons in the country by its government, a senior administration official told reporters on Saturday.

Twitter Roasts May for Likening Skripal Case to Alleged Chemical Attack in Syria

Sputnik International 

British Premier Theresa May has drawn parallels between a chemical attack that the western Western countries alleged to have taken place in Damascus’s outskirts with the poisoning of former the Russian ex spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in UK’s Salisbury on March 4. This is what she told a press conference in London on Saturday.

Pentagon Debuts Problem-Ridden JASSM Missiles in Syria Attack (PHOTO)

Sputnik International 

US Air Force Centcom has confirmed that in addition to Tomahawks, the US fired off 19 JASSM standoff air-launched cruise missiles into Syria on Saturday. The deployment marked the first use of the $1.75 million apiece weapon, previously known for its development and reliability problems.

France Leads Own Secret War in Syria, Its Goals Lie Far From US Aims – Report

Sputnik International 

French euro-sceptic and left-wing politicians are falling on the country’s government for following the US’s lead, as it took part in airstrikes and betrayed its interests. According to a recent report, the French security services have secretly been fighting Daesh* in Syria to counter the terror threat at home.

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Рэпер Баста благословил девушку на брак во время своего концерта

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«Поборол это гнусное чувство». Актер Галкин — о своей маленькой дочке, зависти и настоящей любви

Wild Bear Plays on Trampoline

Sputnik International 

A woman filmed a black bear, who climbed onto a trampoline in her backyard, UPI reports.

Special Blacklist in Hungary Exposes 'Soros Stooges'

Sputnik International 

After Viktor Orban secured a new term in office in the parliamentary elections, a pro-government magazine published a list of “mercenaries” working for the pro-immigration billionaire. Further disclosures are to come.

Спорт в России и мире

Команда подмосковного главка Росгвардии заняла призовое место на чемпионате Центрального округа по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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Вторая ракетка Казахстана опустилась в чемпионской гонке WTA


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