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Новости за 10.04.2018

Israel to Discipline Filmer of Viral Gaza Protest Sniper Shot, Not Shooter

Sputnik International 

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responded swiftly after a video emerged Monday of its snipers cheering as one of their number shot an unarmed Palestinian protester. The IDF released their findings in their initial investigation into the event just one day after the video was released.

'Google Makes Money by Being Able to Target Kids' - Advocate

Sputnik International 

Twenty-three child advocacy, consumer and privacy groups have filed a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission, over Google's violation of child protection laws, accusing it of collecting personal data and advertising to children under the age of 13.

Gaddafi's Ex-Interpreter Sheds Light on Libyan Leader's Support for Sarkozy

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi agreed to support the 2007 election campaign of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, earmarking millions of euros destined to help the politician win, Moftah Missouri, Gaddafi's aide and chief interpreter, told Sputnik.

UN Security Council Meeting Over Syrian Crisis (VIDEO)

Sputnik International 

The meeting takes place just days after an alleged chemical weapons incident in Syria's Douma - Moscow and Damascus maintain it was a provocation and demand an investigation into the matter, while Washington pins the blame on the government, is considering a "forceful" response, and is amplifying its naval strike group in the Mediterranean.

Closure of Ethiopia's Maekelawi Prison Progress for Human Rights, Reforms Needed

Sputnik International 

MOSCOW (Sputnik), Sofya Grebenkina - The Ethiopian government’s closure of Maekelawi prison, notorious for holding opposition figures and for ill-treatment of detainees, is a step in the right direction for the promotion of human rights in the country, but further reforms are needed to secure this progress.

WATCH: Mysterious Orange Glow Captured by Passenger on US Flight

Sputnik International 

Last week, popular YouTube conspiracy page “secureteam10” uploaded a video taken by a passenger, identified only as Mr. Chang, showing an orange light glowing in the middle of the thunderstorm during his recent flight from Atlanta to Las Vegas aboard an unspecified airline.

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Belgium Mulls Ban of Islam Party Calling for Islamic State, Segregation

Sputnik International 

While European countries have been struggling to assert their centuries-long Western values amid the growing influx of migrants to the country, the Islam Party, which was established in Belgium in 2012, has been advocating for new Islamic traditions by promoting political slogans that have deeply shocked local politicians and state officials.

Macron Says Russia Violated UN Resolution on Syria Truce

Sputnik International 

French President Emmanuel Macron has commented on the possibility of a military response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria, the decision will be made soon after consultations with the US and the UK.

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