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Новости за 17.04.2018

REUP the history price. Your. EU MIGRANT CRISIS 2015.


In the United States this crisis is hushed and played down. But over here in Europe it is very real, and violent. Where to get news from, what to believe? It is up to everyone one of us to determine the facts for ourselves. Because one thing is for sure we are not being told the truth about this situation from our media or government. The perils facing migrants from Africa and the Middle East trying to get to Europe across the Mediterranean have been underscored. With economic decay, war, persecution... Читать дальше...

How not to raise a millennial.


Just grabbed this off the Wilcos show.......woman had accused her b/f of molesting their child.Test came back and cleared the b/f but said she schooled the kid. Look at the way the mom is and what she says to her. This is how you don't teach your kids to be accountable for their actions.

Moving abortion


Somebody just uploaded this to Facebook. Not sure if it's real. Didn't think the forming organism looked that way that early. Also didn't think it could move. Either way, not too sure how I should be feeling so I'm making a poll.

Dashcam footage of former OU football running back Roy Finch's arrest


Former Oklahoma running back Roy Finch was arrested Sunday in Edmond on charges of drug possession and assaulting a police officer. According to an unfinalized police , Edmond officers were dispatched at 6:31 a.m. Sunday to the Villas at Stonebridge apartment complex after receiving a call about a suspicious vehicle that was said to have been parked and running for more than an hour. When officers made contact with Finch, who played at OU from 2010-13, the states they detected an odor of marijuana. Читать дальше...

Police rescue a man from his burning home


At around 1:20 a.m. on April 11, Cedar Park Police Department officers were dispatched to an apartment fire at 335 Cypress Creek Rd., told in advance a resident might still be inside the burning building. In bodycam that's since been released, Officer Jacqueline Quiles is seen kicking in the door before her colleagues, Ian White and Ryan Zander rushed inside the smoke-filled apartment. There, the officers found a male resident unconscious from the smoke, dragging him out to safety before administering CPR. Читать дальше...

Man gets stabbed in the kidney during a brawl at a cafe


In Orenburg, a brawl occurred in one of the cafes: Arriving at the scene of the incident, police officers found that unknown persons in the shop along Proletarskaya street in the evening inflicted bodily injuries in the form of a head injury and a cut wound of the kidney area to a 22-year-old local resident. citizens who have any information to contact by phone {{file|t=aHuia_1523995354}}

Drunk driver loses control and hits a bicyclists


The registrar captured the moment of a serious traffic accident that occurred on Saturday, April 14, near the town of Zielona G'ora in the Lubuskie Voivodeship in western Poland. The driver of the Opel Astra failed to manage and flew into the oncoming traffic, where he shot down a bicyclist. After the collision, the culprit of the accident, from which there was a tangible smell of alcohol, tried to leave the scene of the accident but was detained by eyewitnesses and transferred to the arriving police. Читать дальше...

Dashcam Shows Pedestrians Tackle Knife-Carrying Cyclist Fleeing Cardiff Police


This dashcam shows the moment two members of the public tackled a man, said to have been carrying a hunting knife, as he was fleeing police on a bicycle in central Cardiff, Wales, on April 15.The footage, captured by Andy Brown as he was stopped at a red light on Castle Street, first shows police vehicles passing Brown’s vehicle, moving in the opposite direction. Moments later, a cyclist appears in front of Brown’s car and is immediately shoved off the bike by a pedestrian in... Читать дальше...

Devastating fire power


Demonstration of HMS Victory firing a broadside................. The oldest commissioned naval vessel in the world, Nelsons flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar where French ass was seriously kicked. This ship is in the Naval Dockyard in Portsmouth GB. My home city. The ship and the museum are well worth a visit...........if you have a millennial child then a trip to this should really be on the bucket list, it might make them realise that entitlement is not automatic.

The Barbaric Gang Rape And Murder Of An 8-year-old Muslim Girl By 8 Hindu Men In India


Large protests in Indian-administered Kashmir after Asifa Bana's brutal gang and murder by eight Indian Hindu men. Hindu nationalists protest in India-administered Kashmir against the arrest of eight Hindu men which were accused in the gang and murder of a child. Asifa's dead body was found in a forest in January. Police later arrested eight Hindu men. {{embed|t=uni7G_1523992709}}

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Оксана Фёдорова

Оксана Федорова представит премьеру фильма «Петербург Шаляпина и Рахманинова» на выставке-форуме «Россия»

Miguel Diaz-Canel: The Post-Castro President


A new era begins in Cuba this week, when Fidel Castro's younger brother Raul Castro, 86, steps down as president. The man set to replace him is Miguel D'iaz-Canel, 57. A man of few words and even fewer smiles, D'iaz-Canel would become Cuba's first president since the leftist 1959 revolution to be born after it. A protege of Raul Castro, he was named First Vice President and put on pole position for the top job, back in 2013. He has come a long way from the young man who in 1982 got a degree... Читать дальше...

Royal Navy Field Gun Competition.


"If you get hurt, complain about it after" One of the highlights of the Royal Tournament, the annual field gun competition. The origins of the field gun competition lie in the Second Boer War in South Africa. The legendary story tells of the siege of the British garrison in Ladysmith in 1899. In support of the British Army, the Royal Navy landed guns from HMS Terrible and Powerful to help in the relief of the siege. The Naval Brigade transported guns over difficult terrain and brought them into action against the Boers. Читать дальше...

Falun Gong supporters protest against Chinese government


Thousands of Falun Gong supporters marched in protest against the alleged persecution by the Chinese government in Kowloon, Hong Kong, on April 15. In the , a marching band is seen leading a protest on a Kowloon street as Falun Gong supporters hold signs and chant slogans.

Спорт в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о строительстве спортивных объектов


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Елена Рыбакина

Названы победительницы матчей Рыбакиной и Путинцевой за четвертьфинал турнира в Мадриде


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«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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