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Новости за 05.04.2018

Spring Pre-Emergent Lawn Application


Give this a quick pass if you dont have a lawn...or watch if one day you have to deal with one. Warning---this is advanced lawn care material and tbh, I dont bother with pesticides/ herbicides. Always fun for me to watch someone that is OCD about lawn care present

Earthquake hits an Eagle's Nest


pretty cool vid of today's 5.3 magnitude earthquake that hit off the Southern CA coast around 1230pm local time. This nest was very close to the epicenter on Santa Cruz Island...

Street Fight


Hollywood Blvd

Another Attention Whore Strikes----Conor Mcgregor


CONOR MCGREGOR AND his entourage gatecrashed a UFC 223 media day at Barclays Center sparking unsavoury scenes backstage which left one fighter - lightweight contender Michael Chiesa, who fights Anthony Pettis on Saturday - with a laceration to his forehead. The current UFC lightweight champion and his crew attacked a van containing several UFC fighters as it departed the arena, throwing chairs and smashing a window before security ultimately intervened and they fled the scene. It's believed Chiesa's injury was caused by shattered glass. Читать дальше...

Triple Hogs Down in Cattle Pasture


220 lb sow, 100 lb boar, and 70 lb sow removed from cattle pasture at request of landowner. Landowner texted to hogs in his pasture and requested I help with getting rid of them. Three were killed with little disturbance of the cattle.

'Not a conspiracy theory': Trump rabidly claims 'millions and millions' of people voted illegally in California


Trump on Thursday asserted that between the states had enabled "millions and millions" of immigrants to cast illegal votes. During a so-called "roundtable discussion" on taxes in White Sulphur Springs, W.V. on Thursday, Trump veered off the topic at hand to discuss illegal immigration. According to Trump, one immigrant brought 22 "people with him" through "chain migration." "So this guy, because he's here, now can get the and that father and the grandmother and the cousins and the brothers and... Читать дальше...

Pita Pit employee spit in food


|Just a few customers trying to give them business!!! PITA PIT (downtown Missoula doesn't close until 3am)...we come in at approximately 2:00am trying to order food and this woman spit in our food because apparently "she was having a bad day and didn't wanna be at work!".......mind you, she argues with us a few seconds before we were actually able to capture this on video!! |




Radar experts debunk Russian claims that there was no missile fired at MH17


Radar experts examining Russia's radar information submitted to the JIT on the MH17 shoot down debunk Russian claims that no missile was fired at the civilian airliner. The experts state that Russian radar was incapable of tracking a missile moving that fast or that Russia doctored the tapes before submitting them. The experts have both physical and forensic evidence backing their claims as fragments of the BUK launched missile warhead were found in the plane wreckage and the bodies of the flight crew. Читать дальше...

Yulia Skripal issues statement on her recovery from the nerve agent attack


Yulia Skripal issued a statement through London's Metropolitan Police on Thursday, saying her "strength is growing daily". Skripal said she had come out of her coma over a week ago. Skripal was poisoned last month along with her father, former Russian double-agent Sergei Skripal, who remains in a critical condition at the Salisbury District Hospital. The statement follows unverified reports of a recording of a phone conversation between her and a cousin in which she was claimed to have said she would soon be discharged. Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Филипп Киркоров

Киркоров потратил 200 млн рублей на ремонт и золотые унитазы

Персональные новости

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии авиастроения

Patient stabs doctor!


A doctor desperately fights for his life after a psycho patient attacks him

Golden retriever takes epic spill after failing to pick orange from tree


An enthusiastic golden retriever named Krypto took an epic spill after he failed to pick an orange from a tree. In the video, Krypto can be seen leaping up to try to grab an orange, but he loses his balance and falls on his side. He gets up immediately and appears to be fine and even attempts to pick an orange again, while children are heard asking, "Mom, did you get that on video?" "This was taken Easter morning at the end of the kids' egg hunt," the owner said. "We let the dogs out (we have three) to find the remaining two eggs. Читать дальше...

Trump tells it as it is


Trump talking about MS 13. Nice to see our President has balls in more ways than one. Now I just grabbed this of the telly with my phone so lets not be dicks about this over the quality.........The bodies they find are all cut up as well.Oh and watch to the end for the one part of the speech that CNN will concentrate on for the next week.

Спорт в России и мире

Хоккейный клуб из Балашихи выиграл Кубок Регионов


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Рафаэль Надаль

Теннисист Надаль навестил в больнице 16-летнюю российскую теннисистку Корнееву


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Экология в России и мире

Экологические итоги недели: Миллиарды цикад покроют Америку

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мэр Киева Кличко рассказал о попытках встретиться с Зеленским лично

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Юрий Лоза

Юрий Лоза объяснил, почему Чулпан Хаматова критикует Россию


Семья Лушевых из Новоульяновска стала финалистом в конкурсе «Всей семьёй»

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