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Новости за 10.04.2018

We Fight...


On October 13th 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump delivered a speech that defines this moment in our nation's history. Part of that speech was put to a video. The entire transcript of that speech is below. {{embed|t=k8jG4_1523392882}}{{embed|t=udGOu_1523393117}} {{file|t=qiZO_1523393287}}

Lost and Found



GUN SALES SOAR Everywhere in March Breaking Obama Era Records As Top Leftocrats Continue Push to End 2nd Amendment Rights


{{file|t=9wVNB_1523387466}} Im perplexed, am I supposed to be happy about the illegal push for gun control measures or upset about it? March background checks smash old record by almost 250,000 with over 2.7 million checks. The March results put 2018 on pace to see more gun-related background checks than 2017, the second-best year on record, but still behind Obama era 2016, the best year on record. http://freebeacon.com/issues/2016-gun-sales-record/ Americans bought more guns last month than when... Читать дальше...

Mexico's Volcan Popocatepetl Erupts, Blows Column of Ash Into Sky


Webcam footage captured Mexico’s famed Popocat'epetl Volcano erupting in the early morning of April 10. Mexico’s National Center for Disaster Prevention described the volcano erupting in a “train of exhalations and tremors” at 5:23am local time.The agency also issued an alert to residents in the Puebla area to be cautious of debris and fragments falling from the volcano. Credit: webcamsdemexico via Storyful

Selma, Alabama


Many years after the Civil Rights movement you may think Selma, Alabama is now a Wakanda like paradise of the United States. Well think again liveleakers. http://www.newsweek.com/alabama-un-poverty-environmental--743601 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/05/hookworm-lowndes-county-alabama-water-waste-treatment-poverty

New pictures show the aftermath of Assad's chemical attack on Douma


Enough is enough, annihilate Assad and his henchmen before they harm more innocent people. {{file|t=BYIk_1523388037}} {{file|t=azfVf_1523388046}} {{file|t=u4Ee3_1523388055}} {{file|t=ulRU4_1523388075}} {{file|t=9xxEd_1523388127}} {{file|t=Cydmh_1523388149}} {{file|t=sqAms_1523388172}} {{file|t=B6ap_1523388189}} {{file|t=CwiDT_1523388200}}

Greek Easter Fireworks Celebration Lights Street on Fire


Orthodox Easter celebrations went awry in Athens when fireworks ended up lighting an entire street on fire on April 8, 2018.Every year in Greece, the customary celebration of Resurrection includes people throwing fireworks and explosives onto streets, which sometimes cause injury to participants or even death. As the Holy Saturday Resurrection Ceremony begins, locals take to the streets to participate in the undeclared war and shoot fireworks and other explosives into the sky. However, this year things got slightly out of hand in Athens. Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

Певец Прохор Шаляпин вызвал слухи о помолвке, выложив фото с кольцом

Персональные новости

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о строительстве спортивных объектов

The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis


What role does the wealthiest ethnic, cultural and religious group (the Jews) have to do with migration? Let's find out. Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuop-dHDYWI

Watch a tiny bunny play tag with a much larger dog


A tiny bunny named Handsome played a game of tag with a much larger dog called Tyson. In the , the bunny can be seen chasing the dog in a circle, which causes the filmer to laugh. "I've put a lot of dedication into Tyson's training, so I saw no problem in letting him play with Handsome," the filmer explained. "Handsome now gets an hour a day to run around with Tyson"

EU official condemns Douma 'gas attack' as 'barbaric'


The alleged poison gas attack in the Syrian town of Douma, said to have killed at least 60 people and injured more than 1,000, has thrust the country's conflict back in the international spotlight. But did it really happen? "You need the evidence from on the ground. It's quite difficult really from images," Alastair Hay, Professor of Environmental Toxicology at the University of Leeds in England, told . "They give you an impression and you can form a picture but really for the convincing evidence you need something on the ground. Читать дальше...

Bodycam video shows moment Portsmouth officer was shot


Bodycam played in court Tuesday in the trial of a teenager accused of shooting a Portsmouth police officer showed the moment the officer was shot. Defense attorneys and prosecutors delivered their opening statements in day two of Will Patterson's trial. Officer Angelina Baaklini also took the stand to testify on Tuesday. Patterson, 16, pleaded not guilty in court on Monday to 12 felony charges, including attempted capital murder of an officer and aggravated malicious wounding. Several gunshots could be heard in the ... Читать дальше...

Las Vegas Police Officers Fatally Shoot An Idiot


Las Vegas Metro police released body cam of the officer involved shooting that left one man dead. The shooting happened on Friday morning near the 200 block of Madge Lane as those officers were headed to another call. Officers say they noticed a car driving recklessly, so they pulled the car over. That's when shows the driver, identified as 22-year-old Junior David Lopez, get out of the car with a gun-and immediately drop it. But two other passengers in the car said that they recall how this unfolded differently. Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Елена Рыбакина

Прямая трансляция матчей Рыбакиной и Путинцевой за выход в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Как выбрать в Москве идеальный район для семейной жизни

Путин в России и мире

Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Кличко не видел Зеленского с начала конфликта с Россией

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Антонина Арталевская

звезды шоу-бизнеса посетили весеннюю неделю моды estet fashion week


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