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Новости за 06.04.2018

Anti-vaxx parents go berserk after NJ lawmakers tighten rules on immunizations


Parents howled in outrage after the measure passed by a 7-3 vote, following hours of testimony, and of the Assembly meeting captures parents shouting out angry comments, reported WKXW-FM. "You are going to hell!" one parent shouted. "You Democrats destroy America!" shouted another. The bill would require students or their guardians to submit a notarized document explaining how vaccines conflict with their religious beliefs, and not just a philosophical or moral objection, "What human being has... Читать дальше...

Fishing for big red fish


In this episode, we find Luiza showing off her BIG red FISH. Enjoy.

Teen successfully throws multiple objects behind him into unlikely places


A teen successfully threw multiple objects behind him into unlikely places in an impressive compilation of tricks The filmer notes he initially tried to throw a spoon behind his back into a silverware drawer. After dozens of attempts, he finally succeeded. This led to him to trying out more complicated tricks, which inspired him to create the phenomenon that he calls "Backwards Reality." In the , he throws several objects from behind his back into unusual and unique places. His reactions show he... Читать дальше...

metric - iou


music vid from their first album

A Day At The Office (sarcastic short film, pls skip if you like your job!)


Montreal, Canada: Tony Ezzy used to be a successful independent musician. One day, the government decided to eliminate all restrictions on corporations. Then the big record companies patented all the rhythms and started forcing people to pay huge licensing fees to record anything with a beat. This meant that Tony Ezzy had to get a full time job for the first time in his adult life. This pretty much reflects what it feels like being in a 9 to 5 at some random bullshit company in the 21st century.

Officer is hit by a hit and runner


Police in Austin are on the lookout for a driver who allegedly struck an officer who was investigating a car accident. The incident happened about two months ago and it was all caught on dashcam . However, police have no leads on the alleged hit and run suspect. In the you can see Officer Cody Martin walking to the scene and then, a car comes at him at full speed and hits him. Authorities say the driver stopped for a second and then left the scene with three other people in the car. Officer... Читать дальше...

Police chase ends in tragedy


Surveillance shows the moment a car being chased by police in Indianapolis raced through an intersection and crashed into another vehicle. According to WTHR, police say they had just observed 37-year-old Mark Padgett make a drug deal when he sped off. The shows Padgett's Oldsmobile T-bone an SUV before hitting a pickup truck and catching fire. Four people were hospitalized and one of the passengers did not survive. Padgett is recovering from broken bones in his right leg.

Is Belarus looking east or west?


It sits in Europe, shares borders with three European member states but is not part of the European Union. And yet lately, this former Russian satellite has been showing signs it wants to draw closer to the EU. Belarus started keeping its distances from Russia after the latter annexed Crimea in 2014. Belarus is also trying to soften its political stance. This year it allowed citizens to officially celebrate Freedom Day for the first time. The government also officially scrapped a controversial... Читать дальше...



I am new here to LIVELEAK, been using it for many years and love it's unwavering stance on our nation's freedom of expression and the first amendment. Things should not be censored, or worse, blocked from the public's collective eye! The public should make their own decision about what they do and do not want to see, its a fundamental human right and LIVELEAK is an excellent embassador for this right! Thanks for being you LIVELEAK!

"Belarussians are craving for expression"


Sophie Claudet: Valerie, just back from Belarus, thanks for being with us. We saw in your report that you met with several dissidents, including high level dissidents, how easy was it to have access to them? Valerie Gauriat: Well actually it was quite easy. All these people are craving for expression. Talking to the media, especially the foreign media, as the national, the local media is pretty muzzled, is an opportunity to speak out. Sophie Claudet: We hear people in your report expressing their fear. Читать дальше...

Puigdemont rebellion charge was 'extremely risky' - German legal expert


Carles Puigdemont should not and will not be extradited to Spain, a leading German legal expert has told Euronews. Heribert Prantl, Editor in Chief of S"uddeutsche Zeitung in Munich has also worked as a judge and prosecutor, and says the conflict concerning Catalonia is not only a Spanish issue. He believes European leaders should have stepped in to restrain the actions of the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. "The accusation of 'rebellion' was extremely risky, and indeed the decision... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Владимир Высоцкий

Что Золотухин рассказывал про некрасивые тайны Таганки и почему Высоцкий его не простил

Персональные новости

По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

Miami Cops Punching, Choking Unarmed Man Who Tried to Flee


Surveillance video obtained shows two City of Miami Police officers repeatedly punching, choking, and tackling an apparently unarmed man after the suspect attempted to run away at a gas station. The clip begins by showing the man in question walking calmly away from a convenience store. After the man places his hands in the air and shrugs, the two MPD officers immediately grab him and press him against their squad car - but then the man tries to run. One officer then immediately grabs the man around the neck with both hands and yanks... Читать дальше...

Idiot Driver Encounter Ancient, Mystical and Magical Round-about.


This idiot needs to get his money back from his driving school. (Or he needs to be slapped for not paying attention in class!) When he sees this device of sorcery, he stops right in the middle if it and stops! (Must have read this in his Harry Potter spell book or something.) Honestly, man! Get this half-wit off the road!

Спорт в России и мире

Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

16-летняя теннисистка Андреева обновила рекорд турниров WTA-1000


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Экология в России и мире

Экологические итоги недели: Миллиарды цикад покроют Америку

Путин в России и мире

«Ану-ка, девушки!»: какой была легендарная передача, которая вернется на ТВ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Кличко не видел Зеленского с начала конфликта с Россией

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Пол Маккартни

Николаю Фоменко – 62: что связывает артиста с Полом Маккартни и «Формулой-1», и при чем тут гвозди


Орловчанка получила диплом всероссийской научной конференции за работу, посвященную изучению характера своей прабабушки

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