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Новости за 11.04.2018

Man is pepper sprayed while handcuffed


the City of Bridgeton (Cumberland County) recently disclosed four body worn camera videos that capture an interaction between three City police officers and two men in a vehicle that had run out fuel during the early morning hours of June 18, 2017. Shortly before pepper spraying one man in the face, one of the officers is recorded as saying "Do you want to feel pain, sir?" After spraying him for the second time, the officer screamed "There, how do you like it now? Now, get in the goddamned car!" and "Pull your legs in. Читать дальше...

Truck driver dies after rear-ending a stalled truck


The image from the security camera shows the moment the truck is running at high speed, slamming into the rear of the tractor that is stopped in the middle of the road due to brake failure. The strong driver caused the truck to crumple, the driver stuck in the cabin crushed, killed in place. {{file|t=kNuch_1523478054}}

Ryan Mauro: "Punish Assad for Murdering and Injuring U.S. Troops"


FOX - Ryan Mauro: "Whenever Assad does something (war crime), out of the sudden the Russians come out and they say fake news, fake news, fake news, Assad is this innocent wonderful guy and they use their Russian bots and outlets to spread that disnformation". Couldn't have said it better. Shocking how some Americans are supporting 'animal' Assad when he was the one using Al Qaeda against US troops in Iraq. {{embed|t=kxH1h_1523477066}}

Tracy and me and Trisha always have fighting


In liveleak when you want to know how I stand, I am on Tracy team. and that when Trisha made us enemies then me too I am glad Trisha is at court case.

The Murder Of Milly Dowler


On March 25th 2002 pretty 15 year old blonde school girl Milly Dowler was on her way home from school with friends when she decided to get off the train early and have a snack and a bit of gossip with her friends, when she finished her chips and said goodbye she would never be seen alive again and be part of Britain's biggest missing person searches. At first authorities and media had decided that she had left of her own will and either ran away or had met someone and was in hiding, which was derived from police reading her diary. Читать дальше...

Giant Cruise Ship Smashes Into Dock in Honduras


The arrival of cruise ship MSC Armonia came as a surprise, as she ran into the Port of Coxen Hole in Honduras on April 10.The port is located on the island of Roatan, known for its beaches and dive sites. Tania Connor was able to capture the Armonia as it came crashing into port on Tuesday afternoon.According to this local , the ship was coming from Cozumel, Mexico, and tried to deploy two anchors in order to avoid crashing into the port. There were no injuries to the crew or any of the onlookers... Читать дальше...

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Певец Прохор Шаляпин вызвал слухи о помолвке, выложив фото с кольцом

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«Хлеб всему голова». Как в Крыму и Севастополе изменились цены на хлеб?

Ted Cruz Refuses to Agree to DNA Test to Prove He's Human


What's he got to hide? ************************ Visit Our Website: http://www.humanistreport.com/ Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/HumanistReport Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/humanistreport

Networks Bail on Bizarre, Garbled Trump Speech/Rant


All three major cable television networks bail on a recent bizarre and garbled rant from Donald Trump -Become a Member: https://www.davidpakman.com/membership -Support Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/davidpakmanshow

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Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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