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Новости за 16.04.2018

USS Cook Pawned Russian and Syrian Defenses by Doing Nothing


It didn't fire a single shot during last week's attack on Syria's chemical weapons facilities, but all eyes keyed on it while missiles from the Red Sea broke open the back door. I think the U.S. Navy stole one from Tom Brady's playbook.

Improvised tools and weapons


15 deadly improvised prison weapons and tools Nothing, it seems, brings out the ingenuity in a person like prison Remember, who makes a weapon when none are available ? And who hangs around in prisons ? Certainly not responsible members of society. 1.SHOTGUN - made from iron bedposts; charge made of pieces of lead from curtain tape and match-heads, to be ignited by AA batteries and a broken light bulb. On May 21, 1984 two inmates of a prison in Celle, Germany, took a jailer as a hostage, showed... Читать дальше...

New Yorker performs spectacular backflip over parked car


A New York man has been filmed performing an amazing backflip over a parked car. In the , captured in Staten Island, New York City, Ryan Tchoungoua runs across the road at speed towards a parked car and backflips, landing safely on two feet. Tchoungoua describes his moves as "a combination of gymnastics and parkour." He tells : "I learn how to do it by practicing round-offs into a backflip. I knew I can jump really high if I get a running start from the grassy slopes - that's why I performed it. Читать дальше...

Enos and Daisy Duke


Just hearing her say anus is worth the watch

Kauai's Wailua Bridge Logjam


Wailua's bridge gets closed for the first time in living memory of many islanders. We've had larger floods before but this is the first time they have to close the bridge to clear a logjam.

Man beats his child with a stick over urinating on the bed


May! 4 years old because the family had to have a son and had a daughter who was not satisfied with her, and her father had beaten her so that she had accidentally spilled in the bed, and he was beaten up in bed. The scum is less than {{file|t=Nq3a_1523909786}}

Miss Russia


I'm....speechless.... Julia Polyachikhina

Abandoned jihadi tanks and ruined buildings haunt liberated Douma


Footage emerged on Monday of military vehicles and tanks left by jihadists in the Syrian city of Douma following the city's liberation from militant control. Ravaged buildings and abandoned tanks littered the city following the Syrian Arab Army's announcement that it had fully liberated the eastern suburbs of the capital Damascus, after the last remaining group of jihadi-gunmen had left the city.

EU calls on Russia to bring Syria back to talks


The European Union has fallen in line behind Britain, France and the United States, squarely codemning the chemical attack in Syria and calling for the UN process to be followed. "The Foreign Affairs Ministers classified as shocking the alledged chemical attack in Syria and asked for an independent investigation", says reporter Isabel Marques da Silva. "Federica Mogherini, the chief of the EU's diplomacy asked for the UN peace process to be relaunched. she will discuss this topic with members of the European Parliament... Читать дальше...

Dont watch if you need a piss


Not sure how I stumbled on this up but I find it fascinating someone has a fetish of water discharge clips. Weird

Obvious street theatre which is really scenario based


This was scenario based off community or organized stalking based off of my comments of "yes sir", related to my responses from the military, and reinstated as a scenario based joke lol, not really. This is done by freemasoms when you are on their shit list. Ring fenced, pegged, or caught in the inner circle, any of these terms covers the same situation.

A horse died from the exhaustion


A horse died in Seville during the April Fiesta, because it was working all day long without food and water.

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Анастасия Волочкова

Shot: экс-бойфренда Волочковой подозревают в обмане московского бизнесмена

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Театра кукол «Ульгэр» в Улан-Удэ проводит етс фотосессию детям

BREAKING: Sean Hannity is Cohen's 'Mystery' Client #3


Michael Cohen represents a lot of men that need to pay people off. What did Sean Hannity do to earn such an honor? Did he go perv? Sean sure does talk a lot, perhaps to throw people off the stench as he does in the following .

Naked man kicked out from the house by his younger brother


Found him on chatroulette like that. He was trying to get in and the description said: "I locked my older brother outside the house because he's a bully and keeps me all the time. I'm streaming him live, take care of him". He was pushed outside and his towel ripped off when he was getting out of the shower

Watch a red-eyed tree frog's eyes bulge to mammoth proportions


A filmer captured a red-eyed tree frog's eyes bulge to mammoth proportions in Sarapiqu'i, Costa Rica. "The theory is they use this for camouflage during the day," the filmer said. "Often they'll be sleeping on leaves to blend in. Those piercing red eyes might be a bit of a giveaway."

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Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве


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Рыбакина узнала неприятную новость перед "казахстанским дерби"


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Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

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Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

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После резкого поста о Надежде Стрелец мама Тимати вступила в дискуссию с подписчиками и неожиданно упомянула Ксению Собчак


Прокуратура взяла на контроль установление причин пожара в Подмосковье

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