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Новости за 15.04.2018

Bye Leg



The New Snowflake challenge


Tide pods are so yesterday, here is the new challenge that snowflakes must try to get their participation likes. Hope those of you who saw the gote vids I just posted enjoyed them cos they just deleted them all.........I guess too gory is too much for LL. They did the same last year when I posted a few vids of black women killing their kids . Shame because the gay guy hiding a knife in his butt and then stabbing is b/f to death was quite amusing.

How to top oneself.........


Don't know if this got posted on here but here is the full of the guy that shot himself in the head with a KSG

Train accident


Train accident in Tongi Bangladesh. Too many flip flops

Chair-Car ! (1932)


Swedish bloke dumps his wife on the cycle track. SP

Mexican Mentality and Work Ethic


A basic run down of psychological aspects and work ethic among Mexican migrants. Please share your opinions. Excerpts of findings under headings. Sources below. HOW MEXICO BECAME CORRUPT: "In the early 1960s a psychologist named Douglas McGregor observed two basic theories of management. Theory X assumes that most people are naturally indolent and seek to get away with something for which they are not entitled. Theory Y assumes the reverse -- that most people are basically honest and hardworking and... Читать дальше...

A Memory in Time


deepish, blank titles and concepts.

Milo Djukanovic wins Montenegro's presidential elections: Pollster CeMI


Pro-EU politician Milo Djukanovic wins Montenegro's presidential elections with 53.5% of votes according to a projection pollster the Centre for Monitoring and Research CeMI. According to CeMI - a local think thank charged with monitoring the elections, the voter turnout was of 58.6% Djukanovic - a candidate for the ruling Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) - was the favourite to win Sunday's elections. Mladen Bojanic, second favourite, received 34.1% of votes. This is the first election... Читать дальше...

Shot in the face in front of mother and teen daughter


Happened in Venezuela this month (April 2018) the 32 year old lady went to police station to complain about the bandits... one of the police officers was with the bandits and gave the information to the band so they killed her... the corrupt cop is seen on the ...

Transvestite beaten


Transvestite feeling emboldened because of his liberal upbringing gets all tough with a guy who was tougher. You may wanna turn the volume down as it gets a tad annoying.

Triggerd Twitter Bans Strett Artist Sabo on Friday Due To The Social Marxist Epidemic


Street artist 'Sabo' was permanently banned from Twitter this week. Recently Sabo unveiled street art taking aim at Zuckerberg after privacy concerns were raised with Facebook: {{file|t=ax1JT_1523818544}} Social Marxist media giants such as Twitter and Facebook specifically target the free speech and expression of people they dont agree with for suspension and shadowbanning. Social media midgets like Live Leak do it as well. PM me for details.... Political censorship is dangerous and it must be stopped. Читать дальше...

Some assembly required........


Apparently he was a taxi cab driver who didn't want to do favours for the local cartel.........so they chopped him up.

Музыкальные новости

Певица Любовь Успенская назвала дурной композицию Пугачевой «Балалайка»

Персональные новости

Куда поехать на майские праздники в России: топ-7 направлений

Nikki Haley Threatens America With a Chemical Weapons Attack


Nikki Haley the evil Zionist street shitting whore for Jews made an appearance on television today. She claimed that America could be attacked with chemical weapons if we aren't smart. And just what the fuck is all this supposed to mean? That we could see a chemical weapons attack on America if we aren't smart? I honestly don't view this as anything else but a threat. She's essentially saying that if the United States doesn't fight endless wars in Syria for Israel that the Mossad will attack America... Читать дальше...

The charms of winter


The charms of winter, and who bothered it? :)

Спорт в России и мире

Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

Азаренко проиграла в 1/16 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

«Ану-ка, девушки!»: какой была легендарная передача, которая вернется на ТВ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Пол Маккартни

Николаю Фоменко – 62: что связывает артиста с Полом Маккартни и «Формулой-1», и при чем тут гвозди


Места для выгула животных узаконили в Мценске

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