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Новости за 14.04.2018

All of "DNR" loses internet connection


{{file|t=CnQrJ_1523738426}} Article from Terrorists: http://www.dnr-news.com/dnr/45015-dostup-k-internetu-v-dnr-narushen-iz-za-povrezhdeniya-oborudovaniya-magistralnogo-operatora.html Article from the Good Guys: http://informator.media/archives/294437 All of the terrorist-occupied territories have lost internet today because the 3rd "government" Internet Service Provider (Phoenix) with a complete monopoly received damage to their main infrastructure (not war related). There is also no 3G service in the territory... Читать дальше...

Trump Nominates First Black Woman to Brigadier General Rank


You will never find this news piece on msm. "If confirmed, Marine Corps Colonel Lorna M. Mahlock will be the first black woman to attain one of the highest military positions in the world. According to a press release regarding her nomination released by the Department of Defense, Mahlock is currently serving as the deputy director of Operations, Plans, Policies, and Operations Directorate, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC. Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced the historic nomination on Tuesday, March 10. Читать дальше...

The Marines


Always training, always ready

New U.S. Weapon Used For The First Time In Syria Attack


According to reports in the immediate aftermath of the attack, the strikes involved the first combat use of the JASSM advanced missile, reportedly fired from US B1-B Lancer heavy bombers. The stealthy cruise missiles, which have a range of 230 miles (370km), can carry a 450kg warhead and use infrared sensors to guide themselves towards their targets. Each B1 can carry four. The weapon, like others used in Saturday's strikes, can be delivered from outside the Syrian and Russian air defences meaning... Читать дальше...

Person steals wheelchair ramp from restaurant


The owner of a Canandaigua restaurant says someone stole a wheelchair ramp in front of their restaurant. Surveillance video shows the theft from outside of Eric's Office Restaurant in Canandaigua. Restaurant owner Eric Zimmerman says the ramp cost $700 - but it was reportedly recovered from a scrap metal firm, to be sold for $12. The ramp was recovered from the firm and returned. {{file|t=93Mu8_1523737753}}

Air ambulances on scene after car hits six pedestrians in Essex


One person is fighting for their life in hospital and five others were injured after a car ran into a group of pedestrians in Essex. Video from the scene in Canvey Island shows two of the three air ambulances on the scene. The collision occurred near the waterfront after a car "lost control" going around a roundabout, according to witnesses. The incident occurred around 4 PM on Saturday (April 14).

Watch: Protests against Syria air strikes take place outside White House


Several dozen anti-war protesters against the Syria air strikes carried out by the US, France, and the UK in response to a chemical weapons attack gathered outside the White House on Saturday. Protesters chanted "hands off Syria" and called for peace, not war. The operation by the three Western allies bombed multiple government targets in Syria in retaliation for a suspected chemical attack by the regime of Bashar al-Assad on a Damascus suburb last week. It is the biggest intervention by Western... Читать дальше...

plan for the future


Put everything in Jared's name...mmmmmmmmm maybe not....

Drunken Brits walking around aimlessly in Spain


The Brits love to go to Spain for their holidays. They flock their in the millions and then wander around drunk, barefoot and in their see through outfits. They are like fleas drawn to turd, you can't keep them away from Spain as the bored Spanish observe them on the streets. Most are looking to get laid but fail to do so.



Well it happened, the west fired missiles into Syria, but they did not hit the Palace?

Russia says the western strikes on Syria are 'unacceptable and lawless'


The western strikes on Syria are 'unacceptable and lawless', according to Russia's Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergey Lavrov. A Kremlin official statement says "Without the authorization of the UN Security Council, in violation of the UN charter, of standards and principles of international law, we witness an act of aggression against the sovereign state which is on the forefront of the fight against terrorism" Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov said, "These acts are illegal and unacceptable. Читать дальше...

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Motorcycle Wreck Amazing Walk Away


Car collision at intersection. Motorcyclist involved but managed to walk away unscathed. Buy a lottery ticket.

Calm The Phuc Down!


This is intense footage from Mountainburg of a car accident as the vehicle drives near the tornado on I-49.

Спорт в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»


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Экология в России и мире

Экологические итоги недели: Миллиарды цикад покроют Америку

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Мэр Киева Кличко рассказал о попытках встретиться с Зеленским лично

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