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Новости за 30.11.2015

Putin: Climate agreement must be legally binding


Russian President Vladimir Putin says Paris climate talks should end in a "legally binding" agreement, at opening ceremony of international conference. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.

Putin: Climate agreement must be legally binding


Russian President Vladimir Putin says Paris climate talks should end in a "legally binding" agreement, at opening ceremony of international conference. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.

Putin: Climate agreement must be legally binding


Russian President Vladimir Putin says Paris climate talks should end in a "legally binding" agreement, at opening ceremony of international conference. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.

Putin: Climate agreement must be legally binding


Russian President Vladimir Putin says Paris climate talks should end in a "legally binding" agreement, at opening ceremony of international conference. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.

Ex-child star Mary-Kate Olsen weds


Mary-Kate Olsen marries Olivier Sarkozy, the half-brother of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. John Russell reports.

Ex-child star Mary-Kate Olsen weds


Mary-Kate Olsen marries Olivier Sarkozy, the half-brother of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. John Russell reports.

Ex-child star Mary-Kate Olsen weds


Mary-Kate Olsen marries Olivier Sarkozy, the half-brother of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. John Russell reports.

Valencia coach Nuno steps aside after poor run


MADRID (Reuters) - Valencia coach Nuno Espirito Santo has stepped down "by mutual consent" after Sunday's 1-0 La Liga defeat at Sevilla left the ambitious Singapore-owned club languishing in mid-table.

Turkey's Davutoglu wins parliamentary vote of confidence


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's government on Monday won an expected vote of confidence in parliament and approval for its programme, according to a live broadcast from parliament.

Venezuela arrests three for killing of opposition candidate


CARACAS (Reuters) - Authorities arrested three people on Monday suspected in the murder of an opposition leader that shook Venezuela and drew international condemnation in the run-up to this weekend's election for a new legislature.

VW, DOJ want diesel civil cases heard in Detroit


WASHINGTON, Nov 30 (Reuters) - Volkswagen AG and the Justice Department want a U.S. judicial panel to centralize in Detroit hundreds of civil lawsuits alleging the German automaker defrauded consumers and shareholders, according to court filings.

U.S. Embassy warns of imminent attack in Kabul


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Embassy in Kabul warned on Monday of an imminent attack in the Afghan capital, saying it had received credible reports of a threat within the next two days, although it had no other details.

France and India look to the sun to save the planet


PARIS, Nov 30 (Reuters) - France and India on Monday launched an international alliance seeking to mobilise more than a trillion dollars by 2030 and deliver clean, solar energy to some of the planet's poorest.

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Алла Пугачёва

Гитарист Пугачевой Левшин рассказал о проблемах со здоровьем у певицы

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Олимпиада по финансовой грамотности МГУ проходит при поддержке СберСтрахования жизни

U.S. says Russia violated Turkish airspace, but dialogue needed now


WASHINGTON, Nov 30 (Reuters) - U.S. and Turkish evidence shows a Russian military jet violated Turkish air space before it was shot down last week, but it is important now that Moscow and Ankara work to de-escalate the situation, the U.S. State Department said on Monday.

New York is first U.S. city with salt warning on restaurant menus


NEW YORK (Reuters) - A tiny salt shaker symbol that warns certain meals are high in sodium will appear, starting Tuesday, on menus in chain restaurants in New York City, the first U.S. city to take the step in an effort to combat heart disease and stroke.

Спорт в России и мире

Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


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Мария стала соперницей Азаренко на турнире WTA в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Zoomlion продемонстрировала последние достижения на выставке INTERMAT

Путин в России и мире

Педагогов Калмыкии приглашают принять участие в Форуме классных руководителей

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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