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Новости за 04.11.2015

Rare blue diamond to go up for sale


A rare vivid blue diamond is expected to set a new record when it goes on sale at a Sotheby's auction in Geneva. Sharon Reich reports.

Rare blue diamond to go up for sale


A rare vivid blue diamond is expected to set a new record when it goes on sale at a Sotheby's auction in Geneva. Sharon Reich reports.

Rare blue diamond to go up for sale


A rare vivid blue diamond is expected to set a new record when it goes on sale at a Sotheby's auction in Geneva. Sharon Reich reports.

Canadian snowboarder Ricker ends golden career


(Reuters) - Canadian Olympic and world champion snowboarder Maelle Ricker announced her retirement from competition on Wednesday, bringing the curtain down on her golden 20-year career.

U.S. officials - Israel wants up to $5 billion in annual military aid


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israel has made an initial request for its annual U.S. defence aid to increase to as much as $5 billion (£3.25 billion) when its current aid package, worth an average $3 billion a year, expires in 2017, U.S. congressional sources said on Wednesday.

Rate hike has become a Fed credibility story-Max Wolff


Manhattan Venture Partners Chief Economist Max Wolff talks about Fed Chair Janet Yellen's comments, including saying that December is a "live possibility" for a rate hike. Bobbi Rebell reports.

Rate hike has become a Fed credibility story-Max Wolff


Manhattan Venture Partners Chief Economist Max Wolff talks about Fed Chair Janet Yellen's comments, including saying that December is a "live possibility" for a rate hike. Bobbi Rebell reports.

Rate hike has become a Fed credibility story-Max Wolff


Manhattan Venture Partners Chief Economist Max Wolff talks about Fed Chair Janet Yellen's comments, including saying that December is a "live possibility" for a rate hike. Bobbi Rebell reports.

Facebook to launch news app: FT


(Reuters) - Facebook Inc is preparing to launch a new standalone news app called Notify next week, the Financial Times reported, citing people familiar with the plans.

EU regulators want to boost national antitrust powers, seek feedback


BRUSSELS - EU antitrust regulators are seeking public feedback over how to strengthen national competition authorities in the 28-country bloc, with some currently limited in their access to cloud-based information or in the amount of penalties they can impose.

"Hunger Games" director tours Berlin filming locations


BERLIN – Ahead of Wednesday’s premiere of "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2", film director Francis Lawrence toured some of Berlin's large-scale industrial sites  -- locations used in the latest installment of the hit franchise.

France ends law banning blood donation from gay men


PARIS (Reuters) - France has decided to end a more than 30-year-old law that banned gay men from donating blood, a measure originally put in place to stop the spread of diseases such as HIV.

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Case for testing cancer in blood builds, one study at a time


CHICAGO/LONDON (Reuters) - Two new studies published on Wednesday of patients with breast and prostate cancers add to growing evidence that detecting bits of cancer DNA circulating in the blood can guide patient treatment.

Case for testing cancer in blood builds, one study at a time


CHICAGO/LONDON (Reuters) - Two new studies published on Wednesday of patients with breast and prostate cancers add to growing evidence that detecting bits of cancer DNA circulating in the blood can guide patient treatment.

Scores trapped in deadly Pakistan factory collapse


Rescue workers search for survivors after a factory collapsed in Lahore, Pakistan, killing at least 18 people and leaving up to 150 trapped under piles of rubble. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Scores trapped in deadly Pakistan factory collapse


Rescue workers search for survivors after a factory collapsed in Lahore, Pakistan, killing at least 18 people and leaving up to 150 trapped under piles of rubble. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Scores trapped in deadly Pakistan factory collapse


Rescue workers search for survivors after a factory collapsed in Lahore, Pakistan, killing at least 18 people and leaving up to 150 trapped under piles of rubble. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

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