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Новости за 09.11.2015

Medtronic wireless pacemaker succeeds in U.S. study


(Reuters) - A tiny pacemaker from Medtronic Plc that attaches to the heart without a traditional lead wire proved safe and effective in a late-stage trial that will be used to seek U.S. approval of the device, according to data presented at a medical meeting on Monday.

Medtronic wireless pacemaker succeeds in U.S. study


(Reuters) - A tiny pacemaker from Medtronic Plc that attaches to the heart without a traditional lead wire proved safe and effective in a late-stage trial that will be used to seek U.S. approval of the device, according to data presented at a medical meeting on Monday.

Chad declares state of emergency in Boko Haram-hit region


N'DJAMENA (Reuters) - Chad has declared a state of emergency in the Lake Chad region after a series of raids and suicide bombings there by militant Islamist group Boko Haram, the government said on Monday.

Mexican GP promoter prefers Texas back-to-back


LONDON (Reuters) - Mexican Grand Prix organisers would rather have their Formula One race paired with neighbouring Texas than be back-to-back with Brazil, promoter Alejandro Soberon said on Monday.

'Brooklyn' has biggest Irish film opening since 1996


LONDON (Reuters) - The film adaptation of Irish novelist Colm Toibin's "Brooklyn" starring Saoirse Ronan has had the best opening week of any film in Ireland since the biopic "Michael Collins" in 1996, distributor Lionsgate said on Monday.

Chris Stapleton tops Billboard after Country Music awards win


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Country singer Chris Stapleton soared straight to the top of the weekly U.S. Billboard 200 album chart on Monday after sweeping the Country Music Awards last week with three wins and a lively performance with Justin Timberlake.

Intensive blood pressure lowering cuts heart failure, death: study


ORLANDO (Reuters) - Lowering blood pressure below a commonly used target dramatically reduced heart failure and risk of death in adults aged 50 and older in a large U.S. government-sponsored study, results that could lead to a change in treatment guidelines and medical practice.

Intensive blood pressure lowering cuts heart failure, death: study


ORLANDO (Reuters) - Lowering blood pressure below a commonly used target dramatically reduced heart failure and risk of death in adults aged 50 and older in a large U.S. government-sponsored study, results that could lead to a change in treatment guidelines and medical practice.

State Dept. confirms two Americans killed in Jordan


State Department Spokesman John Kirby says two U.S. citizen "trainers" were killed and two more American citizens were wounded in a shooting at a police training facility near Amman, Jordan. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

State Dept. confirms two Americans killed in Jordan


State Department Spokesman John Kirby says two U.S. citizen "trainers" were killed and two more American citizens were wounded in a shooting at a police training facility near Amman, Jordan. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

State Dept. confirms two Americans killed in Jordan


State Department Spokesman John Kirby says two U.S. citizen "trainers" were killed and two more American citizens were wounded in a shooting at a police training facility near Amman, Jordan. Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

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Albania's new justice minister vows to push reform


TIRANA, Nov 9 (Reuters) - Albania's new justice minister, Ylli Manjani, promised on Monday to conclude reform of the judiciary, a key requirement of the European Union which Albania wants to join.

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