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Новости за 05.11.2015

Gunmen snatch dozens of Tunisians in Libya - officials


TUNIS (Reuters) - Gunmen have kidnapped dozens of Tunisians in western Libya to demand the release of a Libyan arrested in Tunisia, families and authorities said on Thursday. With Libya caught in chaos as two rival governments struggle for control, armed groups have often kidnapped foreign nationals and even diplomats in the past to demand the release of captured Libyans overseas. Tunisia's foreign ministry confirmed the kidnapping and said it was in contact with the Libyan authorities to

Gunmen snatch dozens of Tunisians in Libya - officials


TUNIS (Reuters) - Gunmen have kidnapped dozens of Tunisians in western Libya to demand the release of a Libyan arrested in Tunisia, families and authorities said on Thursday. With Libya caught in chaos as two rival governments struggle for control, armed groups have often kidnapped foreign nationals and even diplomats in the past to demand the release of captured Libyans overseas. Tunisia's foreign ministry confirmed the kidnapping and said it was in contact with the Libyan authorities to

NY attorney general investigating Exxon over climate statements


Nov 5 (Reuters) - The New York attorney general has launched an investigation into whether Exxon Mobil Corp misled the public about the risks of climate change or its investors about how those risks may hurt the company's oil business.

Finnish PM says government could collapse on Friday


HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila said his centre-right coalition government could collapse on Friday if it fails to reach agreement on healthcare reforms that envisage spending cuts of up to 3 billion euros (£2.14 billion).

Man who beat Uber driver fired, apologizes


Benjamin Golden, who was caught on video beating Uber driver Edward Caban while apparently drunk says, "I'm ashamed." Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Man who beat Uber driver fired, apologizes


Benjamin Golden, who was caught on video beating Uber driver Edward Caban while apparently drunk says, "I'm ashamed." Rough Cut (no reporter narration)

Missing Alabama boy found alive after 13 years


A five-year-old boy reported missing in Alabama 13 years ago was found unharmed in Ohio this week after the now 18-year-old began applying for college, police say. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Missing Alabama boy found alive after 13 years


A five-year-old boy reported missing in Alabama 13 years ago was found unharmed in Ohio this week after the now 18-year-old began applying for college, police say. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Missing Alabama boy found alive after 13 years


A five-year-old boy reported missing in Alabama 13 years ago was found unharmed in Ohio this week after the now 18-year-old began applying for college, police say. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

Brazil speaker faces ethics hearings over Swiss bank accounts


BRASILIA, Nov 5 (Reuters) - A Brazilian Congressional ethics committee on Thursday picked a first-term legislator to lead an investigation into secret Swiss bank accounts allegedly held by Eduardo Cunha, the speaker of the lower house.

Музыкальные новости

Минкульт Калининградской области отказался отменять шоу «Tribute Rammstein»

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Five injured in factory explosion in Romania


BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Five people were injured in an explosion at a bread factory in the central Romanian city of Brasov late on Thursday and firefighters were trying to extract a person from the rubble, Deputy Interior Minister Raed Arafat said.

EU regulators seek information after Volkswagen admits new irregularities


BRUSSELS, Nov 5 (Reuters) - The European Commission has written to all EU environment and industry ministers asking whether they had any knowledge of "irregularities" concerning carbon dioxide emissions from cars and if so, how many vehicles could have been affected.

Sao Paulo impose limits on hiring coaches


SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Clubs who fire coaches during next year's Sao Paulo state championship will not be allowed to hire a replacement who had been with a rival team the same season, the Paulista Football Federation (FPF) said on Thursday.

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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