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Новости за 31.12.2017

Va. man accused of obstructing terrorism probe

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Federal authorities arrested and charged a Sterling, Virginia, man with attempting to obstruct a terrorism investigation on Friday, accusing him of acting in a manner that was "indicative of an individual planning and researching how to conduct an attack," according to records filed in federal court.

Rep. Devin Nunes reasserts authority over House Russia probe

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Rep. Devin Nunes, once sidelined by an ethics inquiry from leading the House Intelligence Committee's Russia probe, is reasserting the full authority of his position as chairman just as the GOP appears poised to challenge special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

Fukushima looks to top-tier sake to beat stigma, lift economy

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The hope is that Fukushima's championship sake — made from local rice and water — will serve as a symbol of the safety of local agricultural and fishery products and of the prospects for the prefecture's broader revival.

In calendar history, the US took a while to catch up to Pope Gregory XIII

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On New Year's Day, just about every corner of the world will flip a calendar in accordance with the system commissioned by Pope Gregory XIII in the 1580s. But it took some of us longer than others to fall into line behind the good Gregory's celestial timekeeping.

Case of pub crawl by US Marines in Bogota to continue in 2018

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The U.S. military has yet to decide what to do about three Marine officers who were part of a pub crawl in Bogota, Colombia, that involved prostitutes, drugs and the theft of government property while on overseas assignment for the U.S. Southern Command.

Veteran finds what may be Korean War hero Litzenberg's sword at pawn shop

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What started as a search for a suitable cake-cutter for the annual Marine Corps birthday party held at McGarvey’s Saloon & Oyster Bar in Annapolis has turned into a quest to get the sword into the National Museum of the Marine Corps, or another place where the public can appreciate its value.

Sen. Graham urges Trump to lay out Iran strategy

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Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., called on President Donald Trump to lay out his strategy toward Iran as the country faces its largest protests since 2009, saying such a move would help bolster the United States in its conflict with North Korea.

Wanted: DNA from vets who served in S. Korea

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A U.S. nonprofit is building a DNA database to help South Korean adoptees find their birth parents, including U.S. military veterans. In many cases, troops rotating through the country didn’t know the women they had sex with became pregnant.

Wanted: DNA from veterans who served in South Korea

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A U.S. nonprofit is building a DNA database to help South Korean adoptees find their birth parents, including U.S. military veterans. In many cases, troops rotating through the country didn’t know the women they had sex with became pregnant, so the group is offering free DNA kits to all vets and their descendants.

Suicide bomber strikes Afghan funeral, killing 17

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Deputy spokesman for the governor of Nangarhar province, said the bomber set off his explosives vest among people gathered in the provincial capital, Jalalabad.

Extreme cold to test New Year's revelers; some events iced

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Dress in layers, lay off the booze and bring some hand warmers. Those are some of the tips offered for the huge crowd of revelers expected in Times Square for what could be one of the coldest New Year's Eve ball drops on record.

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Валерий Гергиев

Оркестр Мариинского театра под управлением Валерия Гергиева выступил в Нижнем Новгороде

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Clemson, Alabama enjoy benefits of playing on big stage

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Sustaining high-level success is never easy, but being on that national stage and regularly contending for titles often facilitates entry into the living rooms of the kind of recruits who can help programs stay at the top.

How the Trump era is changing the federal bureaucracy

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Nearly a year into his takeover of Washington, President Donald Trump has made a significant down payment on his campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy, a shift long sought by conservatives that could eventually bring the workforce down to levels not seen in decades.

An ancient mastodon ignited a debate over humans' arrival in North America

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Earthmoving equipment had already uncovered other fossils from elsewhere on the site, mostly rodents, birds and lizards. But this bone was from no ordinary animal. The operator wanted to keep digging, but Cerutti raised a fist to stop him. He felt a tightening knot of anger.

Homegrown terrorists worry the FBI most

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FBI Director Christopher Wray has said the FBI considers the most pressing domestic terrorism threats to be homegrown violent extremists radicalized by Islamic State and other radical Islamist groups, and lone-wolf attackers who aren't connected to any other people or groups.

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Команда Орловской области стала победителем хоккейного турнира среди команд Черноземья


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