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Новости за 14.12.2017

2nd accuser prompts call for Nevada congressman to go

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Facing a fresh accusation of sexual misconduct in a Congress that has become increasingly less tolerant, a Nevada lawmaker is facing pressure from Democratic leadership to step aside.

NASA: Navy probe missed key factors in pilot oxygen system failures

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The Navy missed a series of key factors in its investigation into the causes behind a rash of midair, oxygen-related failures in F/A-18s, which led to the deaths of at least four pilots, a NASA team concluded in a recently released report.

Missouri veterans chief resigns under pressure from governor

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Against the backdrop of concerns raised about conditions at the St. Louis Veterans Home in Bellefontaine Neighbors, Larry Kay stepped down from the post he’s held at the Missouri Veterans Commission since 2008.

US-backed Syria fighters kill more than 20 ISIS fighters

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An American-supported Syrian opposition force killed more than 20 Islamic State fighters in an area near the Jordanian and Iraqi borders, U.S. officials said. The clash was described as a response to the Syrian army's failure to prevent ISIS from moving freely through its lines.

US F-22s intercept Russian fighters over Syria

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American stealth fighter jets fired warning flares near Russian fighters over eastern Syria on Wednesday in an attempt to drive them out of airspace controlled by the U.S.-led, anti-Islamic State coalition, Pentagon officials said.

WWII Marine veteran laid to rest in Kentucky

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World War II Marine Corps Reserve Pfc. Albert Strange, missing in action since 1943, was laid to rest Wednesday at a cemetery in central Kentucky.

Polish official says Putin responsible for 2010 plane crash

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Poland's defense minister says a plane crash that killed the nation's president in 2010 in Russia was preceded by two explosions on board, calling on Russian President Vladimir Putin to "take responsibility for what happened."

US soldiers involved in 2 car accidents in Germany

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Two separate crashes involving U.S. soldiers in Germany occurred within a few hours of each other on Wednesday and Thursday, resulting in life-threatening injuries for one soldier.

Star Wars, drone spies threaten US defenses

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A HEMP strike would bring about a “doomsday scenario” and an act of war that kills no one directly but plunges everyone into the first stages of a technological dark age.

Paratrooper honored for heroics after deadly blast in Afghanistan

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Sgt. Nikolas R. Ramirez was hailed as a hero for his actions in the wake of a deadly attack in Afghanistan earlier this year. But shortly after he was honored, the soldier said he only wished it was all over. Better yet, Ramirez said, he wished it had never happened.

Музыкальные новости

Рэпер Баста благословил девушку на брак во время своего концерта

Персональные новости

Заместитель генерального директора сети клиник «Евроонко» выступил на конференции онкологов в Белгороде

California fire crews make progress ahead of wind increase

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As containment inched up on one of the largest wildfires in California history, officials warned Thursday that the battle was far from over as hot, gusty winds were expected to fan flames again.

Putin: US hurts itself with 'invented' Trump collusion case

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Russian President Vladimir Putin scoffed Thursday at allegations of collusion between U.S. President Donald Trump's campaign and Russia, saying the reports have been "invented" by Trump's foes and have hurt the U.S. political system.

Pence to delay trip to Mideast over tax bill

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Vice President Mike Pence plans to delay his weekend departure for the Middle East as Congress nears completion of a tax overhaul, White House officials said Thursday.

Puerto Rico grid fix won't meet governor's plan, corps says

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Puerto Rico's electrical grid is unlikely to be fully restored until the end of May, the head of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Wednesday — months longer than the timeline offered by the island's governor.

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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