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Новости за 24.12.2017

Navy lieutenant leaps to aid woman hurt in rollover on the Mass Pike

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A Navy lieutenant and ROTC instructor sprang into action yesterday to help an injured woman who had just crawled out of her crumpled vehicle following a violent rollover crash on the Mass Pike in Wayland — one of dozens of accidents blamed on icy roadways across the Bay State.

North Korea calls new sanctions 'an act of war'

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North Korea on Sunday called the latest U.N. sanctions to target the country "an act of war" that violates its sovereignty, and said it is a "pipe dream" for the United States to think it will give up its nuclear weapons.

Rough times for smugglers who knitted North Korea to the world

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Increasing international sanctions have left a handful of well-connected Chinese businesses now controlling much of the trade — legal and otherwise — along the frontier. That's bad news for the small-time smugglers who long dominated the border.

'It's hard having someone deployed' at Christmas

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Somewhere at an austere outpost in Afghanistan, 1st Sgt. Adam Breeding will be reaching for Christmas cookies in a plastic bag. Breeding's wife along with other spouses, girlfriends and mothers of soldiers in the 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team baked and shipped the cookies in early December so they’d arrive by Christmas.

'There's a war coming,' top Marine Corps general tells US troops

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The Marine Corps commandant told about 300 Marines in Norway this week that they should be prepared for battle, predicting a "bigass fight" to come. "I hope I'm wrong, but there's a war coming," Gen. Robert Neller told the Marines on Thursday, according to Military.com. "You're in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence."

US recognizes disputed Honduras election results

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The Trump administration on Friday recognized the results of Honduras' disputed presidential election despite opposition complaints, irregularities found by poll observers and calls from Congress to back a new vote.

Companies dump undocumented workers after gaining profits

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Some Florida businesses profit from the labor of unauthorized immigrants after accepting phony identification when hiring them, and then the employers or their insurers report them after a work injury for using false documents, a yearlong Naples Daily News investigation found.

Former California attorney general forms marijuana company

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Former California Attorney General Gen. Bill Lockyer is going from enforcing laws against marijuana to legally distributing it under the state's new rules that allow the sale and possession of the drug for recreational use.

NY graffiti artists seek damages for destroyed works

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Armed with cans of spray paint, they left bubble-lettered tags, outlined buxom cartoon women and made elaborate murals of a green Mother Earth and of a white-haired Dos Equis man on the walls of a New York site called 5Pointz. The creators viewed themselves as artists, and in time 5Pointz became a tourist destination.

Colorado city that declined to allow pot sales now having 2nd thoughts

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When Coloradans voted overwhelmingly to make non-medical marijuana legal, they left it up to cities whether to allow sales. Colorado Springs, home to five military bases and known for its conservative politics and religious values, blocked recreational cannabis sales. Now some in town want to change that.

Russia has a rebellion brewing in Putin's backyard

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Vladimir Putin's Kremlin might maintain a strong grip on Russia, but since a Sept. 10 election, it has been surrounded by the opposition. Anti-Putin liberals have filled local councils in the Russian capital's historic and commercial core, and in a few upmarket residential areas– attaining majorities in 17 of the city's 125 municipal districts.

Typhoon 33W (Tembin), # 13

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Tembin exits Philippines’ area of responsibility; showers, heavy rain linger in Palawan; Ho Chi Minh remains a target

Typhoon 33W (Tembin), # 12

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Tembin upgraded to Category 1-equivalent typhoon, continues moving west away from Philippines, toward southern tip of Vietnam.

Republicans in power play over hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico

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As the funding dispute continues, Puerto Rico is struggling to restore power and drinking water, and buckles under a $74 billion debt that has left it unable to pay for nearly anything. Meanwhile, there are many in Washington who are looking at the near-total devastation on the island as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to transform the U.S. territory in a fundamental way.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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