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Новости за 17.12.2017

Macron: Talk to Assad now, he will answer for crimes later

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French President Emmanuel Macron says he thinks the Islamic State will be defeated in Syria by mid-February and that Syrian President Bashar Assad can't be ignored — but must one day answer for his crimes.

Report: US soldier fought to end after ambush in Niger

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An American soldier killed in an ambush in Niger with three comrades but recovered days later wasn't captured alive by the enemy or executed at close range, The Associated Press has learned, based on the conclusion of a military investigation. It found evidence he apparently fought to the end.

Texas-based soldiers test new technology to clear tunnels in South Korea

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On Friday, the Texas-based “Black Knights” from the 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment air-assaulted from Black Hawk helicopters to Camp Stanley in pre-dawn darkness, linked up with South Korean forces, and entered a bunker in an exercise dubbed Warrior Strike.

Military veteran says she was attacked, had dog stolen

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Ashley McCall of Concord was attacked and her dog Jax was stolen Thursday night. Now dog lovers are mobilizing to try to help find the missing dog and return him home by Christmas.

Wreaths Across America at Antietam: A special honor for 6 Civil War soldiers

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In the back corner of Antietam National Cemetery, a good 25 yards from any other plot, are six graves. They are the final resting places of African-American soldiers who died in the Civil War Battle of Antietam — segregated even in death. Saturday afternoon, they were first to be honored during the cemetery's Wreaths Across America ceremony.

Inside the race to deport a 94-year-old Nazi guard

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The last surviving Nazi collaborator ordered to leave American soil lives in a redbrick Queens rowhouse on a bustling stretch of 89th Street, just around the corner from a Chipotle with a distant view of the Manhattan skyline.

BLM investigator alleges misconduct by feds in Bundy ranch standoff

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A scathing memo from the lead investigator who assessed how federal officers handled the 2014 armed standoff with Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy accuses agents of far-reaching misconduct, recklessness and unrestrained antipathy toward the family.

DOD's cyber offensive against ISIS could shape future for US forces

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The U.S. military has conducted cyber attacks against the Islamic State for more than a year, and its record of success when those attacks are coordinated with elite Special Operations troops is such that the Pentagon is likely to carry out similar operations with greater frequency.

Pentagon spent $22 million on UFO research, reports say

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The $22 million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program began in 2007 after its funding was pushed by Sen. Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat who retired this year, according to The New York Times. Reid has long had an interest in the phenomenon of UFOs.

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