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Новости за 16.12.2017

A day in the life of a WWI military medical examiner

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A reporter spent the day watching two Fort George Wright doctors examine dozens of army recruits for potential defects. He said the doctors had an uncanny feel for the job.

Trump’s visitor logs remain secret

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President Donald Trump is expected at his Winter White House in Palm Beach for the holidays, but records showing who will be visiting him at his Mar-a-Lago Club aren’t available to the public.

Setback for sexual harassment claim filed by woman heading Wis. American Legion

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Amber Nikolai – fired by the state Department of Veterans Affairs in September and hired a month later to lead the 53,000-member Wisconsin American Legion – may go to court to pursue a sexual harassment claim rejected earlier this month by the state Equal Rights Division.

College students used 3D technology to make devices for vets

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It was the simple things they missed. Gardening. Turning the pages of a book. Using an electric razor. Veterans, many of them requiring wheelchairs, told Cuyahoga Community College students about their longings.

Soon-to-be USS Little Rock makes history at Canalside in Buffalo, NY

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The new USS Little Rock is decorated in patriotic red, white and blue bunting, its crew will wear freshly dry-cleaned uniforms, and thousands of spectators are expected to converge on Canalside for today's commissioning of the ship. History will be made.

12 Faces of Christmas: Toys for Tots leader looking for young recruits

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After a career of chasing and arresting drug smugglers and other criminals, David Waller has earned a little down time. For Waller, 62, that means a hectic schedule of orchestrating the collection and distribution of toys for more than 9,000 children this Christmas

Toys for Tots leader looking for young recruits

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After a career of chasing and arresting drug smugglers and other criminals, David Waller has earned a little down time. For Waller, 62, that means a hectic schedule of orchestrating the collection and distribution of toys for more than 9,000 children this Christmas

Libya's coast guard rescues more than 270 migrants

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Libyan coast guards rescued at least 270 migrants off the country's shores, a Navy official said on Saturday, bringing to over 450 the total number of migrants they've rescued in less than a week.

RI's latest refugees flee Turkey's repressive regime

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A new community of Turkish immigrants has taken root in Rhode Island. And its leading members, some of them refugees seeking political asylum in the United States, are spreading a message of tolerance and diversity through their work at Dialogue Foundation, a new organization with a headquarters near Wayland Square.

Philippines' military warns of ISIS-inspired group

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The battle in Marawi City may have ended, but the war is not over. This became evident on Friday after the Armed Forces of the Philippines said that Islamic State-inspired groups in Mindanao were ramping up their recruitment drive to beef up their fighters for terror attacks.

Музыкальные новости

Удмуртский проект победил в Международном профессиональном конкурсе НОПРИЗ на лучший проект – 2023

Персональные новости

Apple возобновляет переговоры с OpenAI о внедрении функций ИИ в iPhone

Family Endeavors rejuvenates veterans in need

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Veterans in need were treated to haircuts, massages and flu shots as part of a Family Endeavors first Operation Rejuvenation event on Friday.

Office sex with Matt Lauer – and his secret desk button – described by ex-'Today' staffer

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Addie Zinone said her relationship with Lauer occurred 16 years ago when she was a 24-year-old production assistant and he was in his early 40s and newly married. Zinone added that the relationship was consensual, but she said she wanted to write about it because she sees parallels between her own story and accounts from other women who have accused Lauer of misconduct.

Wreaths Across America honors 9/11 casualties at the Pentagon

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As the Wreaths Across America caravan neared its destination at Arlington National Ceremony, a group of participants in the annual event placed wreaths at the Pentagon's 9/11 memorial Friday in honor of those who perished there during the 2001 attack.

Army junior Brinson at top of his class

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Nothing usually flusters Army junior linebacker Kenneth Brinson, but he said he was "sweating" this weekend. Brinson wasn't worried while studying film of Army's next opponent – San Diego State, in the Armed Forces Bowl on Dec. 23. Rather, the chemical engineering major was cramming for five term-end exams

Military conducts special ops training in W.Va.

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Two military exercises have been conducted in the region in the past four months, and a current one is ongoing. Exercises are also planned for February, May, June and July of next year.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

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