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Новости за 30.12.2017

Berlin sets up New Year's Eve 'safe zone' for women amid sexual assault concerns

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After mass sexual assaults occurred on New Year's Eve in several German cities two years ago, Berlin officials now work on the assumption that prevention efforts alone may no longer be sufficient at such large-scale events. Women will be able to speak to psychologists immediately after being assaulted or harassed in a "safe zone" at the Berlin New Year's Eve event.

How an artifact from Standing Rock protest made its way to American Indian museum

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The struggle for Native American rights continues. That's the message of an 11-foot mile-marker post from the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, a recent addition to the National Museum of the American Indian's groundbreaking exhibition "Nation to Nation: Treaties Between the United States and American Indian Nations."

Man takes hostages at Ukraine post office

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Police say the man, who said he had firearms and explosives, barricaded himself in the post office in Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, on Saturday. They say he made no immediate demands.

Dubious Achievements: the best, worst and weirdest in movies in 2017

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Another movie year has come to an end — so it’s time for an annual tradition begun long ago by my friend and predecessor John Hartl. With a little help from my able freelance colleague Soren Andersen (who saw way more superhero movies this year than I did), here are the Dubious Achievements in Movies for 2017:

Bodies emerge from Guatemala's war-era 'model villages'

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The government forced tens of thousands of farmers into so-called model villages under strict army control to isolate them from the guerrillas. They were promised health care and other services, but instead were left to die from malnutrition and treatable illnesses. They weren't included in the casualty count in the brutal conflict.

Former CIA speechwriter now writing a novel about legendary spy

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Legendary World War II spy Virginia Hall, known as "The Limping Lady," helped organize the French resistance against the Nazis and once fled the Gestapo by hiking through the Pyrenees on a wooden prosthetic leg. Craig Gralley, a former CIA speechwriter, has written a novel about Hall's experiences.

Random drawing scheduled to break tie in disputed Virginia legislative race

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As Democrats and Republicans continued partisan sniping Friday over a House seat that could determine the balance of power in the Virginia House of Delegates, state elections officials moved to break the deadlock by scheduling a random drawing to pick the winner.

Deadly NYC fire lit by child playing with stove, officials say

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A preschooler toying with the burners on his mother's stove accidentally sparked New York City's deadliest fire in decades, an inferno that quickly overtook an apartment building and blocked the main escape route, the fire commissioner said Friday.

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Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»


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Самсонова победила Осаку и вышла в третий круг турнира WTA 1000 в Мадриде


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Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

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Антонио Вивальди

«Вивальди. Времена Года. Шнитке. Кончерто Гроссо»: концерт в старинном соборе при поддержке Relax FM


Жителям Подмосковья напомнили об оплате ЖКУ перед поездкой на дачу

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