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Новости за 30.11.2017

EU official: ISIS remains threat despite loss of 'caliphate'

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The recent loss of its so-called "caliphate" will cripple the Islamic State group but the terror threat posed by the extremists is not over yet, the European Union's counter-terrorism coordinator said.

Movies on base through Dec. 6

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Times and dates for theaters in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Italy, Turkey and the Netherlands.

Navy releases new details about ship collision off South Korea coast

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A U.S. ship assigned to protect an American aircraft carrier off the Korean Peninsula collided with a commercial fishing boat after losing track of it on radar and attempting "improper and untimely maneuvers" in an attempt to avoid a wreck, the Navy said in report released Thursday.

Navy blames poor training, leadership for USS Lake Champlain collision

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A U.S. ship assigned to protect an American aircraft carrier off the Korean Peninsula collided with a commercial fishing boat after losing track of it on radar and attempting "improper and untimely maneuvers" in an attempt to avoid a wreck, the Navy said in report released Thursday.

Army probes criticism of Green Beret training

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The Army says it's investigating an anonymous email that accused service leaders of "moral cowardice" for ditching training standards and allowing undeserving soldiers to become elite Green Berets.

Experts: US faces daunting challenge in new defense strategy

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A panel of defense experts told senators on Thursday that the United Sates will face a daunting challenge in developing a new defense strategy with a military facing a readiness crisis against the backdrop of deteriorating foreign affairs in several regions around the world.

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Студент БРХК Аюш Булчун стал лауреатом конкурса «Арабеск-2024»

North Korean arms trade among loopholes UN struggling to close

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"There are countries that are continuing to fund the North Korean nuclear program by violating U.N. sanctions and obstructing our efforts," U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley said. "The world knows who many of them are."

Up to 700,000 migrants in Libya, African Union says

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Between 400,000 and 700,000 African migrants are living in camps in Libya, often under "inhuman" conditions, the chairman of the African Union Commission said Thursday at the close of a summit of European and African leaders.

More than 400 US Marines to leave Syria

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The U.S. military operation in Syria and Iraq says it is sending home more the 400 Marines and their artillery from Syria, after they accomplished their mission against the Islamic State group.

GAO: VA health leaders failed to protect patients from inept doctors

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Special to At a House hearing Wednesday, VA officials acknowledged years of lax oversight by VA medical center directors, regional supervisors and top leaders. But Dr. Gerard R. Cox told lawmakers the VA accepts the GAO’s findings and recommendations and vowed that reforms are underway.and Stripes

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